chapter 47

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In encanto

*It's been 3 weeks since Mirabel and Dolores were gone, and boy it was an eye opener for the madrigal family*

With Julieta


Miguel: I'm serious

*We see Julieta helping the baker of the village, she was struggling to lift 1 of the bags of flour, so she refuses to believe that her little Mirabel could do 4*

Julieta:you expect me to believe that my Mirabel, my youngest daughter can carry 4 of this as if it was. Nothing? I say bullshit Miguel

Miguel:you say that, but I have proof. Hold on a second, also that belongs over there, not over here

*Miguel said with a small smirk as he walked away, he could hear Julieta small groan. Julieta lifting with her legs, never her back like Agustin who was at the front after hurting his back. So Miguel put him in charge of selling, anyways Julieta lifted it and walked to the appropriate place, Miguel walked back with a photo album in hand*

Miguel:my wife may God bless her soul, back when she was alive took pictures of Mirabel, in her apprenticeship I guess you could call it

Julieta: apprenticeship? Mirabel had a interest in baking...?

*Julieta muttered to herself, she could barely remember Mirabel asking her to teach her how to cook, and as always Julieta had to say she was busy, or tomorrow, but tomorrow never came. She sighed as that's just another drop in the ocean of her disappointment with herself, walked next to him, who overheard her.*

Miguel:oh yes, not gonna lie to you, when she first started she told me, that she wanted to learn so that she can help you take a break

Julieta:she did huh

*Julieta said with a bittersweet smile, while she was happy that mirabel wanted to help her, but she was sad because she knew why she didn't get that help "stay out of the way Mirabel"*

Miguel:anyways, want to see the pictures? You'll get a kick out of them

Julieta: probably gonna regret this, but fine

*Julieta said with a small sigh, Miguel gave her the book and went back to work. Julieta sat down and started opening the album. She grew a soft smile as she saw Miguel's late wife, she was helping Mirabel, who was holding a small bag of flour, Mirabel had a big smile on her face, Julieta gave a small snort of amusement seeing that Mirabel's smile was missing a tooth*

Julieta"I'm almost afraid to think that she didn't get money from the tooth fairy"

*Julieta put that thought at the back of her head, and kept looking, as more pictures pass the older Mirabel would become, and the more flour she was holding, till she got to the current picture of Mirabel holding 4 of the biggest bags Miguel uses, her smile not as big, it looked almost forced*

Julieta:ay mija, we don't deserve you

Miguel:no you really don't, but that's not my business to say. Now if your done, I need the other bags

*Miguel said with a small smirk, Julieta looked at all the ingredients she still needed to collect, she gave a small whine, wondering just how Mirabel did this every week*

With Camilo

Alma:you can look after the donkeys, or you call look after the children of encanto

Camilo "i should've picked the donkeys"

*Camilo thought as he tried to get the kids in order, some were screaming, others were crying. But all saying the same thing*

Kids:we want Mirabel, we want Mirabel!

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