chapter 35

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Last time

Mirabel;fine! Come one let's find you something to wear, since your not wearing a skirt where we're going


*After half an hour of searching Mirabel was able to clothed Dolores for the journey, they walked out of there room and went to Luisa's room*

With Luisa a few seconds before

*Luisa woke up feeling well rested after Mirabel told her that they had a day off. Luisa sat down on the bed and looked at the book, that red book that Mirabel gifted her so long ago, that red book that's bright red color turned a dull red from being in direct sunlight for years, that dull red book that's collected enough dust that the redness was hard to see since* excuses this time

*Luisa said grabbing the book, Luisa heard a small rip as the ink of the back cover melted and glued itself to the nightstand. Luisa cleaned the dust off the book and was finally gonna read it when she heard a knock on the door. She sighed and walked do the door opening it, she saw Mirabel there, and was surprised when Dolores was behind her wearing a similar outfit to Mirabel*

Luisa:hey Mirabel, is it that time of the month already?

Mirabel:yup, but since....of my own free will, I've decided to bring Dolores along. I'll be gone till probably a couple of days

*Mirabel said with a forced smile, since she knew Dolores had a smug smile on her face*

Mirabel;if someone complains tell them I'm taking Dolores with me so that we can grow a stronger bond or some shit. Ow!

*Mirabel winced when Luisa slapped her on the back of the head, Luisa had a stern look on her face*

Luisa:you know you are not allowed to curse

Mirabel:yeah yeah. You didn't have to hit so hard

*Mirabel grumpled, Luisa chuckle kneeling down and kissed her little sister's forehead giving her a soft smile*

Luisa:I do it because I care, now go on I'll cover for you

Mirabel:thank Luisa I'll see you tomorrow. And don't worry I'll finally get you a new book, since you loved the last one so much

*Mirabel said, unintentionally shooting an arrow of guilt straight to Luisa's heart, since to not hurt her feelings, Luisa lied to Mirabel that she read and loved the book. Mirabel waved Luisa and she and Dolores walked away, Luisa closed the door and walked to the bed, sitting down she had a determined look on her face as she grabbed the book*

Luisa:ok, I can do this, it's my day off, I can totally read and finish this book before Mirabel comes back, let's start, title. War and peace by León Tolstói

*Luisa flipped to the last page of the book just to see the last number on the page and she paled significantly*

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*Luisa flipped to the last page of the book just to see the last number on the page and she paled significantly*

Luisa:1,225..... Oh fuck me

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