chapter 22

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Last time

Alma:Camilo and Isabela both of you will be taking over one of Luisa's jobs until further notice

*Luisa, Mirabel, Isabela and Camilo looked at alma confused, Dolores couldn't help but let a smirk grace her lips*

Alma:I want you both to collect the donkeys when and if they get out. And clean after then that will be you're punishment for everything you've done


Camilo and Isabela's version of that day

Isabela: papi, please I can't be seen like this!

*Isabela wailed silently, since all Isabela had were her pink dresses that she loved so much. So she had to borrow a pair of her father's clothes, Agustin was having none of it*

Agustin:you should've thought about that before you decided to bully your little sister and lie to us for years. You'll get no sympathy from me

Isabela:but papi I look hideous! How am I the flower of the encanto suppose to be that like this?!

Camilo:well at least now the outside matches how you look on the inside

*Camilo said with a small smirk, unlike Isabela Camilo was used to being punished. Isabela glared at him but Camilo just waved his finger*

Camilo:ah ah ah, you'll get wrinkles if you keep looking at me that way

*We see the two of them walking behind agustin who was in charge of looking after them, that's when they heard it*

Osvaldo:LUI.. oh sorry right. i mean CAMILO, ISABELA THE DONKEYS GOT OUT!!

Agustin:welp you heard the man, get to work

*Camilo shrugged and got to work, Isabela eyes paled as she looked at the smelly disgusting creatures and then at her father who had a serious expression while looking at her. Agustín pointed to the donkeys and tapped his foot*

Agustín:now, Isabela

*With a small muffled scream she stomped her foot and walked to the donkeys. She made It to one of them*

Isabela:alright you...go back where you belong

*Isabela said to the animal in some hopeless attempt to not have to touch it, the donkey did no such thing, it kept walking to the grass for lunch. Isabela's face grew red, in her mistake she grabbed the donkeys tail*

Isabela:now listen here!

Osvaldo:Isabela i wouldn't....!!


*isabela scream in a high pitch tone as the donkey diarrhea on her*


Camilo:pfff hahahahahahahaha!!!

*Camilo pointed and laughed at Isabela, the high pitched noise scared the donkeys as they left running*

Agustin:welp, guess now you both will have to got and catch them

Isabela:are you insane!? I'm not going in to the village like this!!


*Isabela took a breath of relief but then yelled again as her own father, splashed her with a bucket of ice cold water  washing away most of what the donkey left on her*

Agustín: there you go all clean

Camilo" this has to be my favorite punishment ever!"

*Camilo thought as he couldn't say it on the floor still laughing, Isabela was trembling hugging herself as she glared at her father who had a serious scowl still on his person*

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