chapter 2

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*Mirabel said as she kept eating hoping that the conversation was over and it almost was with everybody in there own head, that is until Dolores decided to speak*

Dolores:your leaving something out


*Mirabel squeeled as Dolores had a small smirk on her face picking at her food*

Mirabel:w...well I uh... might've started things out with...pretending the food i made came from you mami. Father Alves caught me and asked why I lied

Agustin:why did you lie? I didn't raise you to lie

Mirabel"you didn't raise me at all Casita did more of a job then you"

*Mirabel thought before that thought was smashed to the back of her head*

Mirabel:because I thought they wanted mamis magical food, boy was I wrong. Father alves didn't care who made the food he just wanted more hands to make the food, he didn't realize you were so busy that you couldn't do it. Pretty sure he asked for your forgiveness

Julieta:he did? When?

*Mirabel shrugged not knowing since well she wasn't there for it. Julieta looked down at her food in thought*

Julieta"god what else did I forget this year?"

Mirabel:a..anyway after that, I uh help clean a house some of the kids my age threw eggs for fun and then I came back home

*Felix saw Camilo lip twitch he was suppressing a small smirk. Felix kept his mouth shut sadly for camilo, feliz wasn't the only one who saw it*

Alma: something you would like to say Camilo?

Camilo:what me? No no of course not!

Dolores:he did it with some friends of his


*Dolores shrugged, alma glanced at Dolores with mixed feelings*

Alma"I didn't even ask her and she still told me, why did she do that?"

*Alma thought, she was starting to get frustrated with herself she felt as if the pieces were all there but she couldn't put them all together right. She shook her head and looked at Camilo frowning at the younger boy. Camilo shifted in his seat at her gaze*

Camilo:she started it the owner of the house is always so mean to everyone

Mirabel:now that's just not true Mrs. Rodriguez is a lovely woman, she's 85 Camilo, what would she have done if people didn't come to clean her house for her? And she's mean only to you and your friends since you walked all over her flower bed and left running without even apologizing

*Mirabel said matter of factly, alma gave a small smile to Mirabel for her honesty, then went back to frowning at Camilo*

Alma:after dinner you will be in charge with cleaning every dish, utensils pots and pan your aunty Julieta used to make dinner after that you will go to your room and give me the names of those friends of yours. Tomorrow you'll go to serñora Rodríguez home with your friends and apologize to that poor woman. Isabela go with him and makes sure he does that and offer her to make a new flowerbed

Isabela:yes abuela i would love to

Mirabel:um...abuela? That's kinda not needed the flowers bed I mean, the apology is completely needed. But the community already made her a new flowerbed

Alma:they did?

*Alma said her attention back on Mirabel much to isabela's annoyance*

Mirabel: of course, when I told some people what happened more specifically the flower shop we all came together and made her a new one.

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