chapter 59

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Later at night

*We see Mirabel and Dolores in their room, doing their last minute routine before bed. Dolores was experimenting with new plants for her skin creams, and Mirabel was writing in her journal about her day, but also checking at her schedule for what tomorrow will bring her. Dolores glanced at Mirabel*

Dolores:so, What's on the agenda for tomorrow?

Mirabel:let's see ... Since we're in April, and tomorrow is April 2nd I'll be.....helping los Santos with their garden in the morning

*Mirabel said with her finger on the schedule list, Dolores looked at her confused, almost perplexed at the statement Mirabel just spoke into existence*

Dolores:garden? Shouldn't Isabela take care of that? Or maybe Pepa?

Mirabel:I don't love that you call your mother by her first name, but Pepa isn't a gardener, she just waters the crops of the farmers, and Isabela is so limited in her abilities, that she only makes flowers. This garden is for fruits and vegetables

*Mirabel explained calmly, Dolores rolled her eyes on the comment Mirabel said, about her mother and moved past it*

Dolores:ok, but why do they ask you for help?

Mirabel:because I asked if they needed help, and they did need help with there garden

*Mirabel said innocently, Dolores gave her the look, that told Mirabel that Dolores knew, she was hiding something. Mirabel sighed since she could see the look, through the mirror at the desk, and she shrugged*

Mirabel:they're people in the encanto that don't ask for help, from any magical madrigal, they think the candle is some sort of devil magic

Dolores: wow, I bet abuelo Pedro must be rolling in his urn right now

*Dolores said with a snicker, a snicker that Mirabel joined in. While in the afterlife, Pedro sulked in a corner*

Dolores:so, I guess I won't be able to go with you? Seeing as they think my super hearing, must be some sort of devil magic?

Mirabel:nah, you'll be fine. Well as long as you keep the earmuffs in, and just in case you start, yes I told them about the earmuffs. But they hate alma as much, if not more then you do. So they won't say a word to her

*Mirabel said, with a small grin since she caught Dolores before she could speak. Dolores huffed and grew an amused smile, if not a bit annoyed*

Dolores:alright smart ass, then what about after that?

Mirabel:oh, like I said a more clothes making. I've been able to cut a good chunk of my orders, and I should be able to cut another chunk tomorrow

*Mirabel said, as her grin became bigger hearing Dolores groan, Mirabel kept writing on her journal, barely giving Dolores's little tantrum the time of night*

Mirabel:of course... there is this map

Dolores:map? Did you just say a map? Like the map that found us the jewels?

*Dolores said glancing at the 4 big chests filled with the jewels they've collected. More importantly with big locks so that some people, cough cough Camilo, and only Camilo, couch cough. Don't get into them. Mirabel grinned was even bigger, as she could see the spark in Dolores's eyes, the same spark she herself has whenever a new adventure drops to her lap*

Mirabel:oh, it's nothing. I'm sure it's nothing, just an old Mal that's said to have the location of a golden city

Dolores:....a golden city? You can't be serious, are you talking about El dorado?

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