chapter 41

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Days later

*Dolores was walking alone, grumbling to herself, she was in a real foul mood, why you may be asking?*

This morning

*Dolores woke up feeling uncomfortable, she was not used to sleeping on a sleeping bag. Only something was wrong, there was more space then last night*

Dolores:mh.... Mirabel? Why didn't you wake me up?

*Dolores mumbled sleepily, she got out of the bag and looked around, confusing and slight concern started showing on her face, as Mirabel was nowhere in sight*

Dolores: Mirabel this isn't funny

*Dolores said with a huff, with a roll of her eyes she took her earmuffs off, that's when true fear started to set in. She couldn't hear Mirabel, she couldn't hear anything above the bird's chirping on top of her*

Dolores:what the hell?

*Dolores muttered as she used her finger to pick on her ear trying to clean it. She tried
To hear again and nothing, she could hear normally without the earmuffs, more do the point. She didn't have her super hearing to hear Mirabel*


*Dolores screamed at the top of her longs panic filling her body until she saw Mirabel coming back. Dolores didn't give her time to  react as she crashed at her hugging her as if her life depended on it. Mirabel was in shock, shocking, and very confused*

Mirabel:Dolores what the hell your hurting me!

*Mirabel chocked out feeling as if her ribs were gonna break from her Anconda of a fiancee*

Dolores: don't you what the hell me, do you know how scared I just was?!

*Dolores screamed with tears of frustration falling from her face, reluctantly Dolores leg go, but Mirabel grabbed her hand and started petting it to calm Dolores down*

Mirabel:I was just giving the wolves there fish guts relax i'm ok, everyone is ok. Now do you want to tell me, just what the hell is going on with you? miracle, my super hearing is gone!

*Dolores said in pure panic, she was terrified of what could've happened to her gift, and more importantly if the thing that took it away was still here. but Mirabel was calm, at most slightly intrigued*

Mirabel:huh, so my theory was right. Neat

Dolores:I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Did you just say neat?

*Dolores asked dumbfounded, and her panic quickly turning into anger, since Mirabel wasn't taking her feelings into consideration*

Mirabel:yup, I always wondered if your powers work outside the encanto or not. I guess it has a limit on how far it can reach.... Not gonna lie that's kinda lame

Dolores:so... I'm free of that fucking curse?!

Meanwhile with Pedro

Pedro:lame? I give them amazing otherworldly powers and she calls it lame?! And what does she mean curse?! My miracles was a blessing!

*Pedro yelled indignant at the grandchild he didn't give any powers to. He crossed his arms and just grumbled knowing he couldn't do anything, do them at least*

Pedro:it was alma who made them into a  curse

*Pedro grumbled as he continued to look down at his family, his eyes soften seeing his beloved wife alma having a nightmare of her pushing the family far too much*

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