chapter 17 + sneak peek

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With Luisa

*We see a nervous Luisa sitting on her bed while her parents and abuela we're sitting down on gym equipment* why are you all here? N..not that I mind it mind you!

*Luisa said moving her hands in a nervous matter*

Luisa:It's the first time that you guys are in my room

Alma: yes, well it's important, when we went to the school the other day we found out a lot of things. Nothing bad about you so please calm down

*Alma said already seeing Luisa starting another panic endused ramble*

Agustín:quite the opposite it cariño, i can confidently say that it warmed all our hearts to hear that you've been defending Mirabel all this time

Luisa:oh well of course she's my little sister why wouldn't I protect her?

Julieta:tell that to Isabela

*Julieta said her voice a little horsed from crying so much last night. Alma placed a hand on her shoulder for support*

Alma:yes. Well either way we're very proud of you for looking after her, but we also learned that you flunked a grade

Luisa:o..oh that, I uh it's just well....

*Alma raised her hand to stop Luisa from speaking and took a deep sigh*

Alma; I'm not blaming you Cariño, I'm blaming myself. I've given you far to much responsibility and not enough time to study. I can't express it enough that, that's a mistake on my part not yours ok?

Agustín: yes, so please breath Mija

*Luisa took some deep breath it took a few minutes for her heart to calm down*

Luisa:ok...ok, I'm better now

Alma:good, now what I was thinking is that we hire a tutor so that you can get caught up and....

Luisa:um...abuela ?

Alma:yes Mija?

Luisa:I don't need a tutor since well Mirabel kinda is my tutor

*Luisa said scratching her cheek. The first and second generation madrigals looked at Luis surprised*

Luisa:yeah, after I was left behind Mirabel got It in her head to help me pass this year. So for like an hour a day she tutors me, hell she even convinced the teachers letting me take exams I've missed because of my chores

*a smile started to appear on Luisa's face thinking of her younger sister and honestly Luisa's best friend. Julieta and Agustín couldn't help but feel pride for Mirabel even if it was unearned pride*

Alma:I...I see, maybe i can get Mirabel to tutor Isabela then....

Luisa:that would be a horrible idea honestly. Sure Mirabel and Isabela would say yes. But the second you're away they'll start to argue, more Isabela not respecting Mirabel's authority. But Mirabel is not perfect she would probably get smug about having authority over Isabela and tease her about it

*Again all eyes were on Luisa who just shrugged with an awkward smile*

Luisa:I'm the middle child, I'm the peacemaker between the two of them

Alma:then what do you recommend?

Luisa:y.. your asking for my advice?

*Luisa said shocked that alma wanted her for her Brain not her strength. Alma just nodded*

Luisa:w..well I would go back to the school and talk to her teacher Gabriela, she gives tutoring lessons for those who need them, as for my education I'm actually doing alright with Mirabel's tutoring just kinda wish we would have more time to study without someome asking for my help. It's bad enough they ask me when Mirabel drags me to lunch

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