chapter 26

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*after having dinner with Alma friend's family we see everyone going to there rooms. Julieta looked at mirabel this time determined to ask her daughter to join her tomorrow food be damned. Sadly for her the universe had other plans*

Alma: Julieta please wait a moment, I need to talk to you real quick

Julieta:hay mami please, I have to wake up in a few hours to make breakfast

Alma;I know, that's what I want to talk about

*Julieta bit down on her lower lip and looked at Mirabel again just as she closed the door to her's and Dolores's room. With a small sigh she looked at her mother*

Julieta;fine, what do you want to talk about mom?

Alma:it's about the food you'll be making tomorrow....

*Julieta sighed and turned around to look at her mother who looked just as tired as Julieta normally looks every day, Julieta was expecting alma to say something along the lines of making more food*

Alma:I need you to only make half as much food then you normally make.

Julieta:only half?

*Julieta said looking at her mother, alma "You can always do more for the encanto" madrigal. She was looking at this woman more then surprised, alma just nodded*

Alma:Tomorrow I'll take care of your job again, I'll take Luisa with me and we'll make sure people understand that your food is for the people who need it

Alma"how dare these people use my family's trust like that for so many years!. Argh how was I so blind for so long!?"

*Alma thought in a tired and very bittered tone her aching bones only growing her resentment for the people of the town*

Julieta:if your sure. Guess I'll set my alarm at 5 AM instead of 3:30

*Julieta said with a smile to have some semblance of a full night's rest. Alma smile got a little smaller as she looked at her daughter with a raised eyebrow*

Alma:you have to wake up at 3:30m...?

Julieta:i have to feed what's basically 2/3 of the encanto. I can't make that much food at 5 am and be ready to serve at 8 Mami

*Another thing to add to the ever increasing pit of regret she was feeling. She forced a smile and patted Julieta on her shoulder*

Alma:yes, well good that's all I had to say. Have a good night Julieta i love you

Julieta:i.... I love you too Mami good night

*Julieta said as they went to there respected rooms. for alma she was getting alien feeling, since it's been so long since she had said that to someone in her family*

Alma:I've said it before I know I have, when was the last time I told any of them I love you?

*Alma thought as she got ready for bed. The more she thought of it the more she got her answer even if it was one she hated*

Alma:Bruno... he was the last one I said it to...

*Alma said her tone filled with sadness that she only allows herself to feel when she's alone about her only son. With a sigh she looked at the candle*

Alma;hay predro. Wherever he is, make sure Bruno is ok, Bruno wherever you are I love you my son....

*Alma said before putting her nightgown and going to sleep. What she didn't know was that Bruno was crawling his way through the walls and heard the whole thing. He was deeply touched to the point a tear started to fall form his face. It's been decades since Bruno heard anyone say anything remotely positive about him, and for it to come from his mother it meant all the more*

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