chapter 14

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Dinner time

*We see the madrigal family having a quiet dinner. And it was unsettling for the newly made couple. Mirabel glanced at Dolores who she now had to sit next to, Dolores glanced at Mirabel back both ignoring Antonio scowling at Dolores since Mirabel used to sit next to him*

Antonio" she's stealing her, it's not fair, she used to sit next to me..."

*Antonio thought as bitterly as a 5 year old could muster, he licked and played with his food but no one paid attention to him*, abuela how was you're trip to the school? Did you uh make it ok?

*Mirabel said in some fleeting attempt to make conversation and end this tension so thick not even a knife could cut it. Alma looked up at Mirabel who was giving a very forced smile trying her best to keep eye contact. Isabela actively flinched and kept her gaze squarely on the food as, alma sighed and place her fork and knife down*

Alma:it was...quite the eye opener that's for sure. Before We get in to that, I want to ask you something Maribel

*Isabela took a breath of relief a small one that she at least won't be the subject of this dinner*

Mirabel:oh uh sure? What would you like to know?

Alma:me and your parents went to the school and...we saw all you're awards

*Under the table Agustín grabbed the hand of his spouse to give her support. Julieta Took a breath thankful to not have her sister's gift since the whole of encanto would be in a tsunami right about now. Mirabel looked confused but nodded with a small smile*

Mirabel:yeah, my favorite was the archery competition, man I must've trained until my fingers bled from the string on the bow

*Mirabel said with a small grin rubbing her fingers at that memory*

Alma:yes, we saw the picture. But the setting wasn't encanto was it? You... you've been outside the encanto?

*Some gasp were heard around the table as Mirabel just shrugged not seeing anything wrong*

Mirabel:I mean yeah, the finals were in Japan mami signed the permission sheet, you should see the size of the bows over there it was bigger then me!

*Alma eyes widen as she looked at Julieta for an explanation, Julieta for her part looked just as surprised*

Alma:you allowed her to go outside the encanto?

Julieta:i...I don't remember that!

Camilo:you were out of the encanto?

*Camilo said in shock that Mirabel got to live his dream of leaving this village*

Mirabel: I mean yeah, for like a month and a half I think it was

Antonio:i don't remember that..

Mirabel:well you were really small toñito hay you were so cute when U used to giggle

*Mirabel said with a smile missing even smaller Antonio. Antonio grinned and looked at Dolores smugly. Dolores for her part just smiled back since Antonio was to small to truly make a smug look*

Agustín:you were gone that long and we didn't even notice it?

Luisa:well unlike all of you me and Antonio noticed

Mirabel:that's kinda cheating I told you when I would be going and asked you to look after Antonio for me

*Mirabel said in a teasing tone, Luisa blushed embarrassed as she rubbed the back of her neck*

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