chapter 32

591 21 6

Author note:since it's Christmas extra chapter

Julieta:oh! Mirabel hey baby girl!

Mirabel:oh, uh hi again mom

*Mirabel said surprised seeing her mother there instead of casita. Julieta "accidently" pushed Amy out of the way and went next to Mirabel*

Julieta:are you done for the day? Because if you are we can spend the rest of the day together. Doesn't that sound just lovely?

Mirabel: while it does sound great to spend time together, really it does. I'm only half way done,

*Julieta saw mirabel took her her journal, or how Julieta sees it 'the precious'. And started looking at when she would have time*

Mirabel: I don't just hunt the animals, I skin and dismember them, then I gotta take the animal skin and make it to leather which is a whole nother ordeal onto itself, really I'll be busy all day. Maybe we can do something together some other time?

Julieta:oh uh, well how about if I keep you company, and! And you can teach me how to do all that fancy things that you do

*Julieta said a little desperate in her tone. A small sick part of Mirabel was loving that look on her mother's face, even if she knew it wasn't right to enjoy it*

Mirabel"all those years that I wanted her company, and now that in busy she suddenly wants my company? Dios, you have a funny sense of humor you know that?"

Amy:god talk about pathetic

*Julieta heard Amy whisper to her husband who in tern had to nod in agreement. Julieta blushed a bit embarrassed but for the most part ignored them. Mirabel sighed and rubbed the back of her neck*

Mirabel: well....I guess if you really want to, you can stay. Just don't touch anything sharp, Arthur is a cheap man that doesn't believe in buying until it's brokem

Arthur:hey! There's nothing wrong with my knifes!

*Arthur interrupted, Mirabel scoffed and walked up to the bearded man looking up and pointing her finger at his chest without fear*

Mirabel:I almost got Lockjaw that one time using those things!

Arthur:oh here we go again with that story!

*Mirabel and Arthur started to bicker as they walked to his shop, Ponce just glanced at Julieta and followed his father*

Amy:well, are you gonna stay for lunch? Mirabel usually eats before she leaves, you know on account of a certain someone having a problem with people snacking

Julieta:yes I'll be staying, thank you for the consideration. And my mother IS changing even if you don't want to admit it

*Julieta said with her arms crossed she gave a small glare at her old friend, a glare that Amy gave back*

Julieta "who does this woman think she is? She has no right to talk about my family. Not when her oldest child chases everything with a skirt"

Amy:changing doesn't change the past Julieta. Now hurry along, I'm sure you'll do fine seeing a deer get dismembered

*Julieta gave a small huff and walked to catch up with her daughter. She stopped when she saw Mirabel being a madrigal, and singing while she worked*

Mirabel:Qué es morir de amor Morir de amor por dentro Es quedarme sin tu luz

*Julieta eyes widen when mirabel was able to lift a deer by herself, she was struggling but still by herself*

Mirabel:Es...Es perderte en un momento, como puedo yo Decirte que lo siento

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