chapter 34

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Weeks later

*It's been a few weeks since the changes has been going on in the madrigal household, some changes for the good and others not so much. Let's concentrate on the good ones for now, Mirabel and Dolores were spending more time together, Luisa was able to relax a little more, Julieta was able to sleep a lot more*

With Mirabel and Dolores

*Dolores took a deep breath slowly waking up, she looked around and saw Mirabel on there desk writing something*

Dolores:mh....Mirabel? Why didn't you wake me up?

*Dolores said in a sleepy voice, she sat up straight and started stretching. Mirabel stopped writing and turned around to look at her*

Mirabel:alma caught me before waking everyone up, she said that today everyone minus Camilo and Isabela, have a day off. She said she's going to the town hall and has a meeting with all the adults

Dolores:ah, ok....

*Dolores collapsed on the bed again with her eyes closed she was about to let sleep overtake her again*

Maria:why ratatin! Why did you kill him, how could you?!

Ratatin:I could because of you, I did this for you!

*Dolores frowned, she loved her uncle's stories but not today, she cracked open an eye and tried to grab the earmuffs but she couldn't reach it. And she refused to move, after she got so comfy*

Maria:for me are you crazy?!

Ratatin:yes I killed him! For you! I killed him for us! So that we could be together!

Maria:but hernesto was your long lost twin brother!

*Dolores heard the dramatic music playing, she gave a small gasp, waking up from that*

Ratatin;if he was really family he wouldn't have took you away from me, you belong to me, only to me!

Dolores:oh my God ratatin is a psychopath....

*Dolores muttered, she sat on the bed and wrote a small note, she glanced at Mirabel who wasn't paying attention to her, and as quietly as she could puts the note in one of the secret doors Bruno has around the house. Dolores walked back to Mirabel and looked over her shoulder*

Dolores:so, what are you doing?


*Dolores snorted a little when Mirabel jumped and squeaked similarly to her own. Mirabel turned around and looked at Dolores with a shy smile*

Mirabel:oh, remember that boy I talked about? The one I met in Japan for my archery competition? Well I'm writing him a letter to see if he can get me some silk for a project I'm working on

Dolores:ah...then why are you sending him a picture of Luisa?

*Mirabel flinched and blocked the letter giving an awkward laugh. Dolores raised an eyebrow hearing her heartbeat go faster*

Mirabel:whaaaaaaat? There's no picture I...I don't know what your talking about....

Dolores:uhu, Mirabel come on why are you.....

*Dolores froze, looked at the letter then at Mirabel, then back at the letter, then at Mirabel as her telenovela filled brain came up with a conclusion, with all the information she got*

Dolores:....oh my god your pimping out your sister for silk

Mirabel:it's not like that!!

*Mirabel said jumping up, the picture fell between the two girls, Dolores looked at Mirabel with a raised eyebrow amused while Mirabel? She had her hands  all over the place trying to explain herself*

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