chapter 16

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Pastor:do you Mariano take Dolores to be you're lawfully wedded wife, to hold her in sickness and in health, to be with her in richer or poorer till death do you part?

*We see a small wedding, there were no guests, just Dolores, Mariano, and the pastor. Dolores was wearing a simple wedding dress as she looked at Mariano lovingly with tears in her eyes*

Mariano:i do

Pastor:and you Dolores to you take Mariano to be you're lawfully wedded husband, to hold him in sickness and in health, to be with him in richer or poorer till death do you part?

Dolores:I do....

Pastor:then If anybody has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace

*The door to the church slammed opened revealing Isabela*

Isabela;i object! Mariano is gonna marry me, Dolores's cousin!

*The room full of people gasped as Isabella walked up to Mariano, Isabela wearing a full wedding dress twice as beautiful as Dolores*

Isabela:Mariano you and me are the perfect couple we are meant to be. Come be with me

*Mariano looked at the two and sighed looking out the window*

Mariano: I'm sorry but I can't be with either of you. For i love another

*Dramatic background music started to play as the audience started to mutter wonder just who this mystery woman could be*

Real world

*Dolores woke up in a jump looking all around her room*


*She looked down at Mirabel who flipped herself almost waking up thanks to Dolores. Dolores sighed and laid back down in a foul mood*

Dolores"stupid tio bruno and his stupid tele novelas ruining my dreams, it was a mistake giving him that mini keyboard piano for his birthday...."

*Dolores thought with a pout as she went back to sleep sadly for her she won't be having the same dream she's been having*


With alma

*Alma woke up earlier then normal to speak to Luisa before she goes to do her chores. She got up and walked to her picture of Pedro giving it a small kiss before walking out. Alma eyes widen a little when she saw Mirabel knocking on camilo's door then going for another. Alma walked up to her*

Alma:good morning Mirabel, what are you doing

*Mirabel jumped and looked at alma surprised*

Mirabel:oh, abuela good morning you gave me a fright normally I wake you up last

Alma:yes I needed to...   .       .     .I'm sorry I'm sorry, did you just say you wake me up?

Mirabel:uh, yeah? I would knock on your door and wake you up, wake everyone of you up. Been doing that since I was...six...

*Alma saw Mirabel's eye start to twitch and she was forcing herself to keep smiling even if it was an annoyed smile*

Mirabel:let me guess you also thought Casita was the one who woke everybody up?

Alma:yes. Yes I did

Mirabel:so, Casita would wake you up before I was born?

Alma:....well no

Mirabel: seriously did no one make the connection that I did this every day since I was 6?

*Mirabel said in a huff miffed as she walked to the next door and knocked on it. Alma couldn't do anything except awkwardly walk downstairs and wait for julieta and Agustín*

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