chapter 11

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With alma

*Alma had a firm look on her face as she walked with confidence of a woman of her age, while on the inside she had butterflies in her stomach walking to the school Of encanto*

Julieta:hay i still remember when you were the only teacher in that school what a nightmare that was

*Julieta said with a teasing smile at her husband, Agustin chuckled remembering all the times he slipped and fell from the second story window*

Agustín:yes the one day I saw you out the window and I fell for you, literally

*Agustín said with a small grin, Julieta slapped his shoulder playfully remembering that day well*

Alma:that's enough from the both of you we're here

*Alma said in a serious tone, Agustín sighed and nodded as the 3 of them walked inside. Alma will admit she found it hard to keep a serious expression seeing children of different ages running around having fun on there break*

Alma"this is why the encanto was made, so that the children could have a better life then we did right Pedro?"

*Alma thought, on instinct she rubbed softly the ring On her finger thinking of her Pedro*

Agustín:the hell?

Alma:agusting there children present watch your tongue!

*Alma said harshly as she turned around to scolded her son in law but then froze. There was a trophy shelf a big one, it was filled with trophies some with different angles of course but what made all 3 adults stops was that a good 2/3 of them had Mirabel's name on them, there was even some pictures of Mirabel holding a trophy with a big smile on her face as her team cheered for her*

Alma:I...I don't remember any of this

Agustín: that's because we weren't there

*Agustín said with dread filling his voice, his little girl has won so many awards and neither he or Julieta has gone to one of these events or even gone to one. Julieta was keeping a brave face as she grabbed one of the pictures and looked at it more closely, she grew a sad smile looking at Mirabel's bright full face toothy smile holding the trophy over her head*

Julieta:she...she looks really happy. It's been such a long time since I saw Mirabel smile like this...

*Julieta said softly, agustin pursed his lips nodding in agreement. Before they're pity party could continue a cough interrupted them. They turned around and saw one of the teachers of the school looking at them with an awkward smile*

Gabriela:can I help you family madrigal ?

Alma:ejem yes, yes you can. Can you take us to the teacher of mirabel madrigal?

Gabriela:that would be me, I'm surprised to see you all here normally you would be too busy

*Gabriela said with her arm crossed, the implications of what Gabriela said did not go lost for them. Julieta placed the picture back in it's place and walked up next to her mother*

Julieta:yes, but we're here now and would like to have a talk with you if your not too busy.

Gabriela: I'm never too busy for the betterment of my students let's go to my classroom so we can talk in private

*Gabriela turned around and walked away with the madrigal following*

Meanwhile with Mirabel

*We see Dolores, Antonio, and her reaching the orphanage, Antonio smiled brightly seeing his friends there*

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