chapter 31

613 19 4

Julieta versión of that day

*Since Julieta had another day off, she did what anyone with a job does on a day off, she slept. We see Julieta waking up from her nap feeling refresh, Julieta stretched until she heard her bones pop. She go up and looked at the clock*

Julieta:took a 7 hour nap, my god it felt so good~

*Julieta said in a sleepy tone as she got out of her room, she walked down giving a kiss on the cheek to her husband that was finishing the new door. Agustin smiled and looked at his wife*

Agustín:hola mi amor, had a good nap?

Julieta:it was wonderful. Oh I just feel so refresh. I'm gonna go for a walk around the town

*Julieta waved goodbye to her husband, she completely ignored Felix when he waved at her. Once outside Julieta looked around, the sunny day didn't match the wet floor. With a shrugged she "borrowed" pepa's favorite pair of shoes and walked out making sure to make the shoes dirty. It gave her a sick sense of joy imagining how pepa will react to this*

Antonio:hola tia!

*Julieta heard her little nephew, Julieta looked down at the boy and Gave him a soft smile*

Julieta:hola antonio, shouldn't you be with your friends?

Antonio: I was with my friends, now I'm going with Mirabel

*At the word Mirabel Julieta got exited, her smile became bigger and bigger as she got closer to the little boy*

Julieta:is Mirabel back from the forest?

Antonio: yes? She'll be back after an hour of walking back. I was going to go wait for her, at Mr. Jenkins home, Mrs. Jenkins is really nice, and always give me snacks while I wait

*Antonio said smiling innocently, happy to finally be getting some alone time with his mother. He missed Julieta's excitement until it was too late*

Julieta:great! Then I'll join you I wanted to spend the day with my daughter today. And now I'm gonna be able to do it

Antonio;w..wait what?

*Antonio said with wide eyes, Julieta kissed antonio's forehead and walked ahead to the  Jenkins household, she missed Antonio scowling hatefully at the older woman*

Antonio"first Dolores, now Julieta, why can't they leave my mommy alone? I want her all to myself, it's not fair

*Antonio thought as angrily as a little 5 year old boy could muster as parce followed the older woman, even parce didn't see anything wrong with his human, since a mother wanting to spend more time with his daughter is something completely natural*

Scene change

*Julieta and Antonio made it to household, Julieta's smile became a little smaller seeing the dried out blood on a table not far away, and multiple animal skulls hung up as decorations. With a breath she knocked on the door, after a few moments a woman Julieta hasn't talked to in years opened the door*

Amy:my, ain't this a surprise ? Julieta madrigal the golden child of alma

Julieta:Amy? Amy Natalia?

*Julieta said in shocked seeing and old friend from her childhood, Amy was a plump woman, with short brown hair with a few grey hairs starting she show, she had big caramel eyes that were the reason her husband fell for her, her face like Julieta's also had it shares of lines, only difference being Julieta's were there because of stress while Amy was there from smiling*

Amy:it's Jenkins now, how long has it been? 10, 20, 30 years since you last talked to me?

*Julieta smile became a little more forced, Amy and Julieta used to be such great friends. But alma put a stop do that when she found out*

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