chapter 45

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Last time

Dolores:alright, ready to go?

Mirabel:yeah, let's go have some fun today!

*Mirabel said with a smile putting Isabela completely at the back of her mind*


In encanto

With Isabela

*Isabela was miserable, she was walking behind her mother, they were going to the school of the encanto so Isabela can finally start her tutoring*

Isabela:mom come on, I don't need this

Julieta:I'm not having this conversation again, your very lucky Gabriela is gonna give you some lessons.

*Julieta said seriously, she turned around just as Isabela was rolling her eyes. Isabela winced when Julieta held her wrist hard*

Julieta:And I swear to the Lord, if you don't take it seriously this time. Not even my food will be able to heal what I'll do to you

Isabela:ok ok, god let go.

*Isabela hissed, as she pulled the hand away from her, Julieta's eyes didn't soften. She has very little sympathy after she found out everything Isabela has done to her younger sister*

Julieta:I'm serious Isabela you better take it seriously, now march before I drag you by the ear

Isabela:fine god

*Isabela muttered bitterly as she walked inside the school, it was a Saturday, so the place was empty. Apart from the workers, which worked just fine with Isabela, she tried to be miss perfect again, smiling and waving at the teachers, but they didn't give her the time of day, they knew who she really was. Julieta couldn't help but feel bittersweet, on Isabela getting her just desserts. On the one hand it's good to see her oldest get knocked down a peg, on the other hand it just made her feel all the worse*

Julieta "more people who saw what I didn't...yay"

Gabriela:ah, Mrs. Madrigal, and Isabela welcome

*Gabriela said taking Julieta out of her self hate mentality, she shook her head and looked at Gabriela. Isabela eyes widen a little, instead of the teacher with a conservative clothing, hair tied in a bun and a thick square glasses, gabriela looked....very different to say the least*

Julieta:ah, Gabriela hello, my I love your hair if you don't mind me saying

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Julieta:ah, Gabriela hello, my I love your hair if you don't mind me saying

Gabriela: thanks, took me hours to get it like this. But since we're all adults here I'm sure you don't mind my change in clothing, well we're all adults apart from someone here

*Gabriela said glancing at Isabela, Isabela frowned deeply at her, but no one came to her defense, and she knew better then to talk back*

Julieta:yes. Well, I'll leave my daughter in your most capable of hands, Isabela don't mess this up

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