chapter 3

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Alma:I want Dolores and Mirabel to marry


*You could hear a pin drop, outside the house people were lucky they were inside there home sleeping since For the first time it started snowing in the encanto*

Back inside

Pepa;what...what did you just say?

Alma:I know you heard me Pepa, I want Mirabel and Dolores to be married

Julieta:mamá, that's unreasonable Mirabel is only 15 she's too young to be married

Alma:I....I admit that is true, but it's for the food of the family and for the good of Dolores we can't let another incident like Bruno happen in encanto, all this time I thought I would've been Mirabel i was too blind to see that Dolores is the one struggling

Agustin;ok, but if it's Dolores the one who needs to be married what does Mirabel has to do with anything?

Alma:I did not explain myself correctly, I want Dolores to be married to Mirabel

Felix: alma there cousins!

Alma:yes, and? Do not forget Felix that your brother is married to your cousin it's a completely normal thing to do in order to make our family strong

Pepa:I won't stand for it! Dolores has the right to love whoever she wants!

Alma: she's over 21 and has never been attracted to anybody that we know off, again like Bruno

Bruno"to be fair no one liked me back apart from my rats so...."

*Bruno thought but deep down he knew that was an excuse he never made an effort to find someone. He looked at it was finally Julieta's turn to make her voice heard*

Julieta:you want my daughter to marry Dolores? Why ? Just tell me how will that fix anything?

Alma:Dolores is seen as the new Bruno the black sheep of the family, Mirabel as the giftless one

*Alma raised her hand to stop them from talking since she was no where near finished *

Alma:popularity aside that's just fact those two are the most troubled madrigals and I wish to help them. My idea may seem, well I'll say it down right insane but it's what I think it's best for the two of them. Is to have an anchor to keep them both grounded on earth and inside the encanto. Mirabel's bubbly and energetic personality will pair well with Dolores reserved and almost shy personality

Agustin:they....they won't like this

*The 3 other adults snapped there necks at Agustín shocked. Alma gave a small nod and smile as she just convinced 1 soon to be 2*

Julieta:your agreeing with her?!

*Julieta said surprising everyone and even herself that she not only screamed but screamed at her husband something she hasn't done since each time she gave birth to there children. Agustin sighed and shrugged his shoulders*

Agustin:Mirabel....Mirabel is not like you Julieta, she's not like Luisa or like Isabela she's giftless. As much as we hate it as much as we try she will always feel less then for that fact. I...i always feared that one day she would have enough of being in the shadows and run away at least like this she'll have a reason to stay

*Julieta wanted to argue with her husband she really did she wanted to tell Agustin that he was in the wrong and that Mirabel was fine. But she couldn't, she's seen the look that Mirabel gives out whenever she sees her sisters use there gifts it was the same one Bruno would give whenever someone would praise Julieta or Pepa for there's. She looked down, her hands bawling on her skirt, she even started to tremble a little when she gave a nod. Alma had two now she looked at Felix and Pepa*

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