chapter 28

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*Luisa made it back home, she heard her mother in the kitchen and decided to give her a visit*

Luisa: good morning mom, you look well rested


*Julieta said as she stopped what she was doing and looked at her second oldest, Julieta was surprised seeing her up and about this early*

Julieta;what are you doing awake? Did you have a bad dream?

Luisa:no I...

*Julieta grabbed Luisa's cheek and pulled her down to get a good look at her daughter. She frowned seeing a bit of bags under her eyes*

Julieta:oh my poor baby! Don't worry I'll make you some hot chocolate

Luisa:wait Mom...

*Julieta turned around and started walking in a fast pace around the kitchen. Luisa was a bit miffed that her mother was panicking over nothing, completely oblivious that she reacts the same way with Mirabel*

Julieta:where did I put that chocolate, I know it's here somewhere


*Julieta started opening the cabinets looking for the ingredients for Luisa's favorite kind of hot chocolate*

Julieta:ah here it is! Don't worry honey just give me 5 minutes and your lavender white hot chocolate will be...


*Luisa said in a firm tone grabbing her mother's shoulders to stop Julieta from continue her downward spiral. Julieta looked at her daughter finally listening to her*

Luisa:I'm fine. Every thing is fine, I'm awake early because I took Mirabel to her work

Julieta:what? this early? What kind of job is she doing?

*Julieta said worried for her youngest. Luisa walked her mother to the table and sat her down*

Luisa:I'll make you something to drink, I think there's still some of Tia's Pepa imported tea she loves so much

Julieta;there isn't, I burned them all and swapped it with the cheapest ones I could find

*Julieta said with an angry huff, Luisa snorted and ended up just giving her mother an arepa and a glass of goat milk. She sat down next to her*

Luisa:anyway, yes this early. Not the first time she leaves this early out of casita

Julieta:ay that girl. She could disappear one day and we wouldn't know till it was too late

*Julieta said, she meant it as a joke. But neither of them found it all that funny seeing it as a very real possibility*

Luisa:anyway just a heads up, we'll probably not see her until dinner time. When she works for that man she's gone all day,

Luisa"I should know, those are the days I usually forget to eat, hopefully that won't be a problem this time"

*Luisa thought, now that she didn't have to get the donkeys,*

Luisa" hopefully I'll remember to eat without my little alarm clock"

*Luisa again thought as she watch her mother just take a break and have something to eat. Luisa of course was thinking about Mirabel as the alarm clock with a small smile on her face*

Julieta:so to you know what she'll be doing today?

Luisa;hm... can't say I know. I just walked her there I never ask what she does. Now that I think about it, she would probably be happy if I asked, I would be taking more of a interest in her activities

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