chapter 1

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*we see alma having drink of tea with her best friend, the matriarch of the Guzman family Maria Guzman in the cafe of the plaza in encanto. Alma stopped drinking frowning slightly hearing her voice*

Mirabel:ah Mariano glad I've caught you!

Mariano:hey Mirabel can I help you with something?

Mirabel: actually yes the kids wanted me to sing a song that's a duet mind helping out?

Mariano:i...I don't know my voice isn't really made for singing

Mirabel:oh nonsense it's fantastic! I've heard pleaaaaaaase it would really make the children very happy

Mariano: hm... Oh alright if it's for the children I suppose


*Mirabel grabbed Mariano's wrist and dragged him away, Mariano laughed as he was being dragged by the 15 year old girl*

Mariano:and here i thought it was Luisa with the super strength

*That was the last thing alma and Maria heard before there respected grandchildren disappeared from sight. Alma was about to scoff when she heard Maria chuckle*

Maria: hay that Mirabel, you can see why she's the favorite madrigal of encanto huh? She's like a ball of energy

*Alma did a spit take, tea falling on her dress as she looked at Maria as if she grew a second head *

Alma: what are you talking about? Isabela is the favorite madrigal, she's the flower the next figure head of the miracle

*Now it was Maria's turn to look at her best friend as if she grew a second head*

Maria:what are you talking about? Isabela isn't even the 5th favorite madrigal hold on, Miguel! Miguel come over here!

*An older gentleman walked up to the table with a smile on his face*

Miguel:hello ladies what can I help you with?

Maria:quick question who's your favorite madrigal?

Miguel:Mirabel no question no hesitation

*Miguel said his smile becoming bigger, alma looked at Miguel with her eyes wide*

Alma:b...but why?

Miguel:why? What kind of question is that? She's Mirabel! That girl has helped me so many times in the bakery that I feel guilty not paying her, I tried but she just refused and insisted I give that money to an orphanage. Hay what a sweet girl, shame my son has his eyes set on another I would love to have her as my daughter in law

Alma:and isabela?

Miguel;.  .  .what about Isabela? I mean I've seen her in town but she's never come in to my shop, good thing do those petals and pollens would be a nightmare to clean

Maria:thank you Miguel I'll be sure to come for a visit~

*Miguel chuckled winking at Maria as he left before alma could say something Maria screamed again*

Maria:Carlos! Come over here a second!!

Carlos;hello ma'ams what can I help with?

Maria:favorite madrigal?

Carlos:Mirabel of course, she fixed my wife's wedding dress an hour before the wedding. That girl deserved that extra piece of cake

Maria:thank you, hernesto!!

Hernesto:you rang?

Maria: favorite madrigal go

Hernesto:Mirabel, my kids love her, same goes for every parent of the kids Mirabel babysits

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