chapter 57

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Days later

*Another day comes, another sunrise in encanto. Dolores woke up and looked down, she was surprised that Mirabel wasn't there, she sat on the bed, and looked around*


*Dolores winced, it was too early for her curse, so she grabbed her earmuffs, putting them on, and enjoying the peaceful silence it gave her. She got up and walked to the door, she was taking tiny slow steps, looking like a baby duck, she opened the door. And saw mirabel knocking on the door to Luisa's room. When Mirabel heard, a small groan she moved on to another door. Mirabel was surprised when someone hugged her from behind. Dolores rested her head on Mirabel's hair, using it as a pillow*

Dolores:it's too early, let's go back to sleep....

Mirabel:it's time to wake up, go downstairs. There's already coffee ready.

*Mirabel said walking, but Dolores didn't let her go, and walked with her. It was too early, so Mirabel just shrugged and let it happened. She knocked on Isabela's door*

With Isabela

*We see her in the classroom, as in front of her Gabriela was grading her test. Gabriela sighed and looked at Isabela annoyed*

Gabriela:my god, did you even study?

Isabela:hey I tried! Give me a break!

*Isabela said complaining with a frustrated sigh, Gabriela rolled her eyes, and walked up to her, giving her the paper. Isabela felt nervous, seeing 3 D's in front of her*

Gabriela:you call this trying? This is pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself

Isabela: well what are you gonna do, punish me again?

*Isabela gasped when Gabriela grabbed her cheeks with one hand, and pulled her to eye level. Giving her a dominating look. Isabela felt submissive, docile, and more importantly turned on*

Gabriela:that's precisely what I'm gonna do, you naughty girl


*But it was too late, Gabriela kissed her deeply, Isabela blushed feeling her soft lips, and her tongue invading her mouth. Just as Isabela was getting into it, the world started to go black*

Real world

*Isabela woke up in a jump, her face flushed, breathing heavily, all she could hear was the beating of her own heart, and the knocking from "Casita" waking her up*

Isabela:w..what the fuck was that?

*Isabela whispered to herself, sitting on the bed, and doing some breathing exercises to calm her rapidly beating heart, she placed her hand on where her heart is, breathing in and out*

Isabela:your fine, your fine, was just a dream, nothing more then a stupid dream, it doesn't mean anything.

*Isabela said to herself, the toxic side of her mentality completely waking up, she started to frown and hug herself, a little too tight, her nails, almost digging into her skin*

Isabela:You have Mariano, you only NEED mariano, Mariano is the perfect man, and you are the perfect woman. You two will have the perfect life.

*Isabela repeated herself, repressing her true self, and letting her toxic mentality about her sexuality win. She got up and got changed, ready to start her day, of being the perfect little flower, of the encanto*

Scene change

*We see everyone in the dining area, they weren't talking, just enjoying there breakfast, or for Julieta her dinner, since she was going straight to sleep after this. Isabela kept glacing at Mirabel and Dolores, and scowling seeing them look so, for lack of a better word, free. But she wasn't the only one scowling at them, Antonio was giving Dolores the stink eye, for stealing even more time from his mommy from him*

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