chapter 6

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*Mirabel nodded yes with a sniffle. Julieta was about to touch her daughter but Dolores slapped her hand away hard and gave her aunty a cold glare*

Dolores:don't! Touch her...

*Dolores growled out as she took Mirabel with her, walking pass the other children madrigal confused on all the screaming and even more so seeing Dolores and Mirabel running out of the house both with tears coming down there faces


Mirabel:Dolores stop I said stop dammit!!

*Mirabel said stopping in her tracks, once Dolores stopped whatever adrenaline she was running off stopped with her as she started breathing heavily, her body started to tremble, when Mirabel went in to touch her shoulder Dolores took a deep breath and gave the loudest scream of frustration she has ever given not giving a damn if she bursts her eardrums, which she did. Mirabel turned her around and slammed something inside her mouth, Dolores was confused until the taste came it. Dolores sighed and ate Julieta's arepa fixing her eardrums and living only the dried blood*


*Mirabel said in the softest tone she could managed. Dolores just shrugged. Mirabel looked around at where they were. She grabbed Dolores and took the lead*

Dolores: where are you taking me...?

*Dolores said her voice slightly horsed, but Mirabel didn't say a word. They made it to a side of town Dolores never been, Mirabel took them inside a building and Dolores was even more surprised at what is was*

Dolores"since when does encanto have a library?"

*Dolores saw Mirabel Wave at the librarian and she waved back as they walked further inside the small building sitting down on a table*

Mirabel:ok....ok we....we have to talk about this right?

Dolores: what's there to talk about? Our parents betrayed us and now we're gonna get married before your even 18

*Dolores muttered bitterly hugging herself feeling even more angry since now her little dream of confessing to Mariano is pretty much dead. Mirabel winced looking as equally distraught but she forced herself to smile or at the very least not look sad*

Mirabel:yes. Yes we're gonna get married for... honestly I don't even know why

Dolores:because abuela has gone senile is the theory I'm going with

*Mirabel snorted a little as Dolores looked around*

Dolores:since...since when has there been a library in encanto? I don't remember one when I was a kid

Mirabel:oh, well it was build like 2 years ago some of the construction workers that go outside the encanto wanted there children to have a library to expand there education so they build one, every couple of months they come with new books for the place

Dolores:ok...then how come you know about this place? How come the rest of us didn't?

*Mirabel shrugged as she pursed her lips*

Mirabel:not my fault you all don't listen, I've been telling you guys about this place for over a year before I just gave up. And I know about this place since I helped, well kinda I just brought the workers food and took care of there kids while they built this place

*Mirabel said she didn't noticed the look of guilt Dolores gave her*

Dolores:I...I'm sorry, I should've listen to you it's just...

Mirabel: everyone does it so why would you be different? Not like it hurts me, well not anymore at least I....kinda just got used to it

*Mirabel said with a shrugged, Dolores looked at her she could see Mirabel's eyes were glossed over with sadness*

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