chapter 39

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At the dinner table in the encanto household

*Everyone was in the table, everyone noticed that 2 Members of there families were missing. Luisa took a deep breath and got up*

Luisa:I...have news about Dolores and Mirabel

Alma:I take it this has to do on why there not on the table?

*Alma said looking up at her granddaughter, alma looked absolutely exhausted from dealing with the other leaders of the encanto*

Luisa: yeah, as you all know Mirabel does a lot of favors for the community. From helping the butcher hunt for the meat, to babysitting, musical entertainment, she even helps collect the money for the church,

Agustin: honey your rambling

*Agustin said gently, Luisa sighed and nodded, she bite down on her lower lip a little before she Continued again*

Luisa: right, well one of the favors she does is delivering mail to the post office

Julieta: encanto has a post office? doesn't

*After a few moments the other members of the madrigal family realized what Pepa and Julieta realized*

Luisa:yeah, one of the other things she does
For the encanto is go to San Jose And delivers the mail to the post office. She'll be gone for a few days probably 2-3 weeks since Dolores is with her

Antonio:why would it take so long?

*Antonio asked, he's used to his mommy going to san Jose, and she always came back after 3-4 days so to spend time with him more. Luisa pointed to the other missing person*

Luisa: because Dolores is with her

Pepa: she's what?!

*Everyone could hear the thunderstorm starting outside, to everyone's surprise alma didn't say "Pepa control yourself", she was honestly to tired to care about a little rain*

Luisa:I said Dolores is with her, I mean it makes sense, there going to be married by years end, this will be a good way for them to bond, and grow closer

Antonio:but why would they take so long?

*Antonio said frowning, now that he knows Dolores is with his mother, he felt bitter that Mirabel took her instead of him to San Jose*

Luisa:because Dolores is not a Mary Sue

*Luisa said with a small snicker, no one else laughed since it was an inside joke of her and Mirabel. Luisa coughed a little*

Luisa;right, anyways. It'll take longer since Mirabel will have to take care of Dolores, take the safer route, and once there. Well I can see them staying a couple of extra days to enjoy San Jose

Julieta:you say it as if you've been there honey

*Julieta said gently, a bit of fear and concern inside her, decades of being the child of alma made her and Pepa fear the world outside the encanto*

Luisa:oh I've never been, but Mirabel has brought pictures from the place, she even has a cámara at Mr. Gallardo's home

Alma:why... nevermind

*Alma said with a sigh, she was about to ask something she already knew the answer "it's there because there was no room to keep it in the nursery"*

Luisa:but yeah, they'll be gone for 3....weeks....oh that cheeky little minx

*Luisa said with a chuckle since she now realized that Mirabel threw her a little trick, not harassment like camilo's "pranks" but an actual prank where both parties can get a good chuckle out of it*

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