chapter 52 + new story

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Antonio"Dolores, will be where she belongs, far, far away from my mommy. Finally I get to have her all to myself again"


At the village square

Antonio"this sucks"

*We see Antonio sulking in the corner, since Dolores didn't sit down far away, she was right next to Mirabel, with those stupid earmuffs. As for Mirabel she was busy talking to Mariano, while Dolores just awkwardly stood there behind Mirabel, they were waiting for the children to come, and celebrate that there babysitter returned*

Mariano:so how was San jose? I bet it wasn't the same without me

Mirabel:tell me about it, not having to deal with woman asking you out, oh it was absolutely dreadful

*Mirabel said with fake sadness spilling out of her voice, Mariano rolled his eyes, leaning against the water fountain with his arm crossed*

Mariano:oh, I'm sure you were able to handle yourself without me just fine. How about you Dolores, did you like it?

Dolores:huh?! O..oh uh....

*Dolores scrambled, taken off guard that Mariano was talking to her, since while yes she had feelings for him, she hasn't talked to him, once.* was fine, Mirabel took me to a lot of places, like the beach

Mariano:ah, i love the beach, you should see me swimming, I'm the fastest one out there, in my Speedo

*Mariano said with a innocent smile, that statement caused two reaction. A blush from Dolores, imagining Mariano in a tiny little Speedo, and Green In disgust from Mirabel, since she's seen how Mariano looks like, in one of those things*

Mirabel:yeah, she's not missing much, if what Elena told me is true, you are missing quite a lot Mr. 3 inches

Mariano:oh, haha. I'll have you know that your only hearing one side of that little story

*Mariano said frowning indignantly, Mirabel just snorted, knowing Gabriela wouldn't lie to her, so she crossed her own arms*

Mirabel:oh, really? Then please. Tell me your side, and if you use that whole it was cold excuse, I'm gonna know that your lying

Mariano:I was drunk, and it was indeed very cold, that might. Obviously my equipment isn't gonna work under those conditions

*Mariano said, as he and Mirabel kept talking about such a subject in public, and Mirabel keeping up with him like it was nothing special, just talking to her friend. Dolores on the other hand, couldn't believe her ears, at the very thought of talking of such things out in the open, the idea of her picture perfect Mariano, talking to Mirabel about such a topic, the mental image she had of him, was cracking. Since well, he wasn't perfect, he was a normal guy, who got lucky in the genetics department*

Mirabel:motion of the ocean? What the fuck does that even mean?

Mariano:it means, that....damn, the kids are coming. But this isn't over

*Mariano said with an annoyed smile, waving at all the kids, he felt as if he was shot in the heart, since no one waved back, they only cared about Mirabel. Mirabel stuck her tongue out at him*

Mirabel:really? Your not talking, I got the last word, it sure feels over


*Mirabel turned around just in time to kneel down and be crushed in a group hug, of all the kids. Dolores noticed Antonio sulking and walked up to him*

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