chapter 42

464 19 3

Last time

*Mirabel felt Dolores head on her shoulder, she looked and was surprised. Everything was indeed too much for Dolores to handle so she passed out, Mirabel checked her nose and she was breathing so she took it as a sign to chuckle*

Mirabel:fine we can take a rest here


late evening

*Dolores looked like a child on Christmas, her eyes full of wonder. She was looking around as they walked around the city, Mirabel holding her hand tightly so that she wouldn't wonder off*

Dolores:what the hell is that?


*Mirabel hummed as a response as he looked where Dolores was pointing, there passing by was a car driving away*

Mirabel:that would be a car, it's a machine that lets you go really fast like over 100 miles per hour

Dolores:miles per hour?

*Dolores asked confused, Mirabel thought of a better way to describe Dolores the concept of a vehicle*

Mirabel:think of a horse, there top speed is like 27, a car can go dozens of times faster then a horse

Dolores:sounds dangerous

*Dolores said with concern looking around for another one of those death machines, Mirabel shrugged as they took a turn*

Mirabel: they are, so you need to be careful when crossing a street. Always look both ways

Dolores:what the hell is that?

*Mirabel looked up and saw an airplane going down for a landing, far far away from them*

Mirabel: a flying machine called an airplane, think of it as a hot air balloon but better and safer

Dolores:that's what you used to go to Japan?

*Dolores said slightly scared since humans were not made to fly in the sky. Mirabel could tell the fear in Dolores tone and squeezed her hand for support. Dolores gulped and looked at anywhere else*

Mirabel:Dolores trust me, there's nothing to be scared off. Maybe we should go on a small plane ride to show you

Dolores:no, not only no but hell no, I'm not going anywhere near that death trap

*Dolores said she was Again showing her sheltered life living in a secluded village in the jungle with nothing but a gramophone being the latest technological invention. Mirabel was patience and just smiled at Dolores, since she had this same reaction when she first saw all of this stuff*

Mirabel: anyways we're here

Dolores:what's here?

*Dolores said looking at a large building with two buff security guards at the entrance. Dolores looked at Mirabel with slight concern. But Mirabel just walked ahead, slightly dragging Dolores behind her*

Mirabel:this is a bank, it's where I keep the money I make as a seamstress

Dolores:why would you keep your money here? How can you trust that it won't be stolen?

*Dolores asked skeptically, Mirabel snorted a bit. Finding Dolores naiveness of the world outside encanto cute*

Mirabel: because that's not how it works. It's complicated and boring, just trust me My money's fine.

Dolores:ok, and how is it so cold in here? Where's the snow?

*Dolores asked as they got in line, Mirabel pointed up to the roof, Dolores looked and it had some words hole spewing air from them*

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