chapter 48

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*it's a other day in encanto, the sun was just coming out, the people were waking up, and some were already up. We see the madrigal family having breakfast*

Alma:ok, Isabela. Today you don't have to worry about the donkeys


*Isabela yelled extremely happy, to the point that she's even crying a little, everyone but Camilo, pepa, and Luisa thought she was crazy, the other 3 know her pain* I was saying you don't have to worry about the donkeys, since today you'll be in the seamstress shop, to test out your wedding dress.

Isabela:yes, abuela

*Isabela said much calmer, even if on the inside she felt disgust, but more then that fear. Fear that her wedding date was coming ever closer*

Mirabel:so, on my first day back I'll be tailoring a wedding dress huh?

Alma:yes, Lucia tells me your a fan..tas...tic.

*All of them froze, there eyes widening as they looked at the source of the sound, somehow Mirabel managed to sit down on her chair and grab a plate of food, without anybody noticing*

Mirabel:MH, breakfast taste extra good today uff!

*Mirabel got the wind sucked out, since Luisa hugged her tightly glad that she's home and alright.*



*Mirabel said, but was ignored, as others like Antonio, Julieta and Agustín joined in crushing the poor girl. The others looked at the stairs seeing Dolores walked down from then with a calm expression*

Dolores:ok, that's enough. She's turning blue

*Dolores said pinching Luisa's cheek, since she was doing the most damage, Luisa winced and let go, rubbing her cheek*

Alma:so, how was the city?

Mirabel:same as always, you should ask Dolores. This was her first time

*Mirabel said giving Dolores a big if not slightly guilty smile. Dolores gave a small chuckle as she walked to her seat next to Mirabel, she and everyone else ignored, or didn't noticed Antonio's scowl since he used to be the one sitting next to his mom* was amazing. The world was so different then in encanto, they have these things called cars that let you move very fast, and these things called planes that let you fly much faster and higher then a hot air balloon, and the beach! There's a beach in San Jose, Mirabel and me spend a few days camping there. And then

*Everyone was listening to Dolores speak, for once it was her time in the spotlight, and she liked it. Antonio felt someone touch his shoulder, he looked and it was Mirabel, who before she sat down, she kneeled down and kissed his forehead*

Mirabel: don't worry mi niño, I got you more presents then the rest. I missed you toñito

Antonio:I missed you too

*Mirabel smiled and then looked at her family, she couldn't help but smile, it was a long trip but it was finally done, and her job done as well*


D day

*Dolores woke up by the sound of stuff shuffling, she groaned and pulled the pillow over her face. Mirabel ignored her and kept packing. She even had a little song on her lips that just irked Dolores, and Mirabel enjoyed annoying her a little*

Mirabel:Señor, tú que estás en los cielos
Tú, que eres tan bueno Que no quede huella en mi piel De sus dedos!

*Did I say little? I meant singing like she was a performer of a concert. Mirabel giggled when she was hit on the face with the pillow*

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