chapter 61

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*And then it happened, Antonio said something he shouldn't have said, a word he learned from an angry Pepa. He pointed his finger at Mirabel, and opened his mouth as the words came out*

Antonio:fuck you!


* We see Mirabel walking to the nursery, with a tray of food for Antonio in her hands. Since Pepa couldn't do it, given that whenever she tried her emotions got the best of her, and it would snow again. So Mirabel volunteered*

Mirabel: If ever I would leave you, It wouldn't be in summer, Seeing you in summer I never would go, Your hair streaked with sunlight, Your lips red as flame, Your face with a lustre, That puts gold to shame!

*It's been a few days since the last chapter. Antonio was still grounded in the nursery, his mind being filled with toxic thoughts all sharing one thing in them "Dolores will pay". Yes, even after a few days to think about what he did, he still failed to accept responsibility, and placed the blame squarely at Dolores. He flinched a little when he heard his mother's voice*

Mirabel:Casita, open the door for me please

*The door opened and Mirabel walked inside, her face was unreadable, as she wasn't expressing any emotions. She was just here to bring Antonio food, she was borderline ignoring his existence*

Mirabel: But if I'd ever leave you, It couldn't be in autumn, How I'd leave in autumn, I never will know, I've seen how you sparkle, When fall nips the air, I know you in autumn, And I must be there

*Mirabel sang softly, as she placed the foot on the nightstand. Antonio with a nervous smile walked to Mirabel*

Antonio:h...hey Mirabel


*Mirabel said quickly, and way too cold for Antonio, it was as if someone slapped him, since Mirabel always had emotions in her voice when she talked to him. She was always happy, but now? There was nothing*

Antonio:I'm....I'm really sorry

Mirabel:are you sorry you did it? Or are you sorry that you got punished for it?

*Mirabel asked with a raised eyebrow, her arms crossed while she looked down at him.  Antonio squirm in place as he couldn't meet Mirabel's gaze*

Antonio:I...I'm really sorry that I did

Mirabel:if you're sorry, then why did you do it, in the first place? When you know I have to work, and you never complained about not being with me at the seamstress shop before.

*Mirabel said sternly, since she knew why he did it, or had a pretty good idea. But if Antonio wanted her forgiveness, he had to at minimum, own up to his mistakes*

Mirabel: For goodness sakes, you used to complain when I took you there, since it was boring to you. So why did you do it in the first place

*Mirabel asked, going full mother mode on him, and even food feeding him the process to the answer. But Antonio just frowned deeply as his lips were pursed. He didn't give an answer which just caused Mirabel to give a disappointed sigh*

Mirabel:I expect better from you Antonio. And you can't even tell me the truth? I'm very disappointed in you right now.

*Mirabel said turning around and walking away, she heard Antonio sniffling, but she didn't react do it. This was a hell of his own making, and Antonio has to be the one to get out of it. Mirabel heard Casita closing the door to the nursery and she finally showed emotions, that being a sad sigh, with tears borderline falling from her face. But she remained firm and didn't let any come out. So she did the only thing she could to distract herself from getting emotional, she sang*

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