chapter 38

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Author note:  I've moved the years around, this story takes place around 1950 with exception to the music which is whatever song I'm listening at the time, which currently is Alec Benjamin pick me

At sunset

*Dolores took a breath as she grab hold of Mirabel's hand, Mirabel helps her up and both stand there looking at the setting sun on top of the cliff*

*Dolores took a breath as she grab hold of Mirabel's hand, Mirabel helps her up and both stand there looking at the setting sun on top of the cliff*

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Dolores:my god the view is beautiful, we walked all of that?

Mirabel:we did, and there's still like 2 more days of walking.

*Mirabel smirked a bit seeing Dolores pale a little, Mirabel turned around and walked ahead. Dolores stood there for a bit more just enjoying the sight*

Dolores"I walked all of that"

*Dolores thought feeling a bit of pride on herself, she shook her head and hurried up next to Mirabel. Dolores looked up unsure as Mirabel took her to a cave, she grabbed hold of Mirabel's hand and Mirabel gave it a squeeze to make her feel safer. as they go deeper into the cave, Dolores saw camping equipment*

Dolores: we'll be sleeping here?

Mirabel:yup, it gets absurdly cold outside, I think that's abuelo making sure people don't find the encanto, but that's just a theory

*Dolores hummed as her hand started getting cold, Mirabel let go of it and started building a fire, Dolores with nothing to do just sat down and watched her work again*

Dolores:you know how to do a lot of things

Mirabel:well, that's because I've had time to practice it. Instead of chores of being lazy I learned to be a jack of all traits. Of course Luisa prefers the term 'mary Sue'

*Dolores snorted at that and Mirabel puffed her cheeks in anger, she gave a cute pout to Dolores who couldn't stop chuckling*

Mirabel:keep laughing and I won't be sharing the sleeping bag

Dolores:I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really am trying here. Oh that already feels better

*Dolores said as the cave began to get warmer, Mirabel sat down next to Dolores and passed her some dried meat and water*

Mirabel:there's a lake on the other side of the mountain, tomorrow we'll eat fresh meat, but for now just emergency rations, water and some dried mango pieces

Dolores: I'm sorry

*Mirabel looked at dolores with a raised eyebrow and she just shrugged looking at the fire*

Dolores:I'm not dumb Mirabel, I know that I'm slowing you down, I also know that all the good food we ate on the way over here

Mirabel:true. But I'm not gonna get angry over that, Dolores your new at this kind of stuff, why would I blame you for that?

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