chapter 9

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Alma;now, everyone I have big news for those who still don't know something has changed as Dolores now won't be the only one in the red side of the family

*The children looked at Dolores confused, Dolores thankful to be 21 she grabbed her wine and started drinking it*

Dolores"well here we go"


Isabela:what? Is Dolores getting married?

*Isabela said legitimately confused, the children started to murmur as Mirabel was glancing at Dolores wine glass with a bit of jealousy*

Alma:yes, yes she is

*Both Dolores and Mirabel flinched slightly hearing it again this time from the matriarch of the family made it all seem all the more real. The children were looking at Dolores surprised no one more then surprisingly Isabela*

Isabela:wait wait wait. Since when were you in a relationship with someone?

Dolores: I've never been in any relationship. Our sweet abuela thought it best to force a marriage on me and my future wife

*Dolores said her tone filled with poison no one in the family thought could be throwned at alma. Dolores glanced at Mirabel giving her at least a few more moments to get ready with the way she said it. As for alma? Like she said she took the hate without flinching*

Alma;yes, it's what best for our family and maybe even the encanto that you will be seen in a better light

*Dolores wanted to give a response but she decided it's not even worth it anymore*

Dolores "not like I can change there minds now"

*Dolores thought as she tried to pour herself another glass but she felt her mother's hand ontop of her's to stop it. She glanced at pepa who gave her a pleading look not to do it. With a frustrated sigh she placed her hand back to her thigh*

Camilo:so who's the unlucky girl?

Felix:Camilo that's not nice

Camilo: i wasn't trying to be

Alma:Camilo Enough I will not have you start a fight. Not tonight

*Alma said sharply making Camilo shut up, with a breath alma continued*

Alma: I've decided that Dolores shall be married by the end of the year to give Dolores and her fiancee time to get used to being next to each other

Luisa:ok, but who's gonna marry Dolores?

*The parents flinched and got a guilty look on there faces, Dolores sighed and Mirabel grew a nervous smile her leg started jumping up and down under the table from how nervous she was*

Alma:Dolores shall be marry to....Mirabel

*Now you could really hear a pin drop, the children eyes started widening slowly as the information started making way to there brains. It got a ray of different emotions from shock, surprise, and trembling*

Antonio"Mami is getting married? But if she gets married she'll forget about me..."

*Antonio said her head down looking at the food not liking the information. Everyone looked at Camilo who made a sound, he was laughing*

Antonio:pfff ahahaha oh God that's a good one!

Alma:and what pray tell it's so funny young man?

*Alma said with her arm crossed, Camilo just keep chuckling at the very thought*

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