chapter 43

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*Dolores woke up feeling a weight on her chest, with a groan as soft as a mouse, she slowly opened her eyes seeing Mirabel using Dolores chest as pillows*

Dolores:.... She just had to be a drooler...

*Dolores muttered feeling the drool coming down Mirabel's mouth right to Dolores chest. Dolores looked around feeling a small headache starting up as she was so confused at where she was. She started shaking Mirabel softly*

Dolores:Mirabel....Mirabel come on wake up

Mirabel:Mh...but we're on Vacation.....

*Mirabel croaked out, her morning voice sounding like she smoked 60 a day. Dolores equally as tired didn't have the mental fortitude to question it, so she ignored it*

Dolores:I'm sorry, we can go back to sleep soon. But first were are we? And why can't I remember what happened last night?

Mirabel:you got drunk on real wine, passed out, I had rented us a motel for the night, we have to leave in....

*Mirabel turned her head and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand*

Mirabel:4 hours. Goodnight

*Mirabel said going back to sleep, Dolores accepted the information, she went back to sleep too holding her closer to her, for body heat*

The night

*Mirabel and Dolores made it to the restaurant mirabel been talking about, Dolores looked at it and it was a small building with tables outside*

Dolores:it's definitely cute

Mirabel:it looks better inside. Come on, I'm starving

*Mirabel said with a smile as they walked inside, true to Mirabel's word, it did look better inside, it look for lack of a better word rustic. The moment the bell on top of the door jingle a man walked up*

Jimmy:ah Mirabel! Welcome, welcome!

Mirabel:hey Jimmy, is that free meal still available?

*Mirabel said with a grin. Dolores looked at Jimmy, he was a giant. 6 foot tall man with a beer belly. Jimmy just laughed, the type of laugh that can shake the establishment*

Jimmy;of course, I honor my promises. Sit, you and your sister

Mirabel:cousin actually

Jimmy:my apologies, you and your cousin are about to have the best meal you've ever had in your life

*Jimmy said snapping his fingers, a hostess walked up to them and guided them to there seats giving them the menu*

Theresa:your server will be here in a moment ladies

Mirabel: thanks Theresa, you know. The Jenkins boy said hi

*Mirabel said with a wink. Theresa giggle softly before walking away, Dolores looked at mirabel with a raised eyebrow*

Dolores:why do I get the feeling, that you saved his life?

Mirabel:because you read too many novels

*More accurately, she hears to many of Bruno's rat telenovelas. Mirabel shrugged and grew a bit of an evil smile*

Mirabel:I may have told Jimmy what Theresa and James were doing in a motel alone, without clothes

Dolores:you didn't

*Dolores gave a small gasp looking at Mirabel who's grin became bigger*

Mirabel:I did. Jimmy rewarded me with a free meal, so let's enjoy it. But think of the ass beat James got, as payback for him flirting with you way back when

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