Tyunning- Righting a Wrong

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Taehyun jumped up and down to expel some anxiety. He was at Kai's doorstep, trying to convince himself to knock.

A week ago, he broke up with Kai because his social circle made fun of their relationship. Honestly, he had never been happier than being with him but he couldn't take the pressure from his "friends" anymore. They said awful things like "he's so awkward", "he's annoying", "he's not even attractive", "you're really going to go out with him again?" It hurt. This was Taehyun's first relationship. They only dated for two weeks but that was all it took for his circle to abandon him. He told himself to break up with Kai before he ended up exactly like him. Alone at lunch. Alone in class. Alone in life.

When Kai originally asked him out, Taehyun only said "yes" because he felt sorry for him. Instead, he found a true soulmate. Someone who liked him for him. He never had to hide any part of himself around his ex. Kai actually listened to his fun facts. He told him to continue with his stories and asked interesting questions so they could keep talking. Little things no one else bothered to do.

The worst part was how Kai took the breakup. All he said was "I saw it coming" and that was that. No tears. Not even a frown. Just a blank expression as he walked away.

Kai didn't show up to school the next day. Taehyun's "friends" were congratulating him for being single at lunch, all while Taehyun kept staring at the table Kai sat at. He used to laugh with him there. The taller's sense of humor was a little different but that just added to his charm. His self confidence had also never been higher than those two weeks with him. Kai always made sure to compliment him every single day. He was told he was cute, special, smart, handsome, amazing and the saddest one, his best friend.

That one day alone felt empty without his ex. He decided he wanted him back. Fuck what anyone else said.

Taehyun finally knocked on the door. A woman answered. She asked "can I help you?"

"Is Kai home?"

The woman nervously looked towards her son's bedroom. "Um..." she turned her attention back towards the boy in the door when she realized who he was. "He's not feeling well. I can give him a message if you want."

"That's okay..." Taehyun slumped down the steps. He waited until the door closed to sneak around the back. A few pebbles went into his pocket. The woman looked up so Kai had to be on the top floor. The question was, which room was his?

He decided to throw a pebble at every single window and try his luck. Nothing happened. He grabbed a few more and tried the same thing. Then he finally saw Kai peering down at him. Taehyun waved. His heart broke when he saw how red his ex's eyes were. The blinds snapped shut.

Taehyun whisper yelled "Kai! I just want to talk and tell you how sorry I am!" He jumped backwards when his ex tapped his shoulder. "You scared me!"

Kai remained expressionless as he asked "why are you here?"

"I just wanted to talk to you again. I made a mistake."

"Taehyun, stop. You just feel guilty. The only reason you want me back is because you left me for a stupid reason."

"That's not true..." Kai didn't speak. He waited for the shorter to process his thoughts. Taehyun hung his head in shame. "I felt guilty, yes, but I do genuinely like you."

"You really don't need to feel guilty. I saw it coming. It's okay. I'm just happy you gave me a chance when you could've rejected me."

Taehyun was left in the backyard as Kai made his way back inside. He saw him wipe his eyes around the corner. That made him feel like shit.

The next day at school, he had a small plush prepared in his backpack. Time didn't move fast enough. He nervously sat through three periods until his lunch. Kai still wasn't at his table. He asked his circle if they had seen him today. One of them mentioned he was in his last class. Taehyun figured that if someone wanted to be alone, they would either go to the bathroom or the library. He really didn't feel like inspecting the bathroom so he left towards the library. His group called for him to come back but he kept walking.

Taehyun felt anxious as he looked around. Their school's library was large. Kai could've been anywhere in here. If he was right about his ex, Kai wouldn't be near a lot of people. He walked past all seating areas with more than four people in them. One of the corners was by a window with a small table for two. He wasn't there. A table between the geography section and the biology section seemed like a plausible option. He wasn't there either. Then it hit him, he knew exactly where Kai was.

Kai was sitting in a comfy green chair while reading a manga. He sipped his juice as he continued to be lost in the story. A shirt appeared above the pages. He looked up to see his ex smiling at him. Kai just wanted to read. He marked the page then set the book down on the table. "I'm not mad at you. You don't need to feel guilty."

"I don't feel guilty..."

"You don't?"

"I do! It's just..." Taehyun stopped to collect his thoughts. He sat down on the chair across from his ex. "I really like you and I never should've left you. Especially not for a reason that stupid." He pulled out the small squirrel plush from his backpack. It was set down next to the juice. "I got this for you. I thought it would be nice in your collection."

The squirrel's eyes were as large as Taehyuns'. It truly did look adorable. The plump apple cheeks were the same too. Kai took it in his hands to feel the softness. His smile faded when he looked back at his ex. "Your friends won't like us together."

"I don't care. I like us together."

"You mean it?"

Taehyun took his hand. "I mean it." He watched Kai set the plush in his backpack. The book went into a seperate compartment. Kai then stood up and leaned over. Butterflies erupted in Taehyun's gut when he felt a kiss on his forehead. He stood up with him and took his hand. "Does this mean you're my boyfriend again?"

"I would love to be! You're the most amazing person that I know."

"You are too." Taehyun stood on his tip toes to kiss his cheek. His boyfriend wrapped his arm around his shoulder as they walked to their next class. He felt like a million dollars in his embrace.

People stared. Others whispered. Taehyun didn't give a shit about any of them. Kai was an absolute catch and he was the only one who realized it.

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