🍒Yeonkai- August 16th

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"Yeonjun? Why are you here? Isn't it your day off?" Taehyun rolled his eyes when he remembered the blonde in room 418. "Don't."

"I knew him! I could've-"

"No! You couldn't have! He has severe depression Yeonjun. Something he's probably had for years and that wasn't your fault. You didn't know he'd try to kill himself back then. Please. Just go back home."

"He's my patient. I have to see if he's okay."

"On your day off?"

Yeonjun scoffed. "Like you've never worked on your day off."

"I'm just worried about you. You didn't eat for almost a week after Beomgyu died. Remember how I found you? Passed out with an empty bottle of vodka?"

"It won't happen again." Yeonjun saw the doubt in his best friend's eyes but it didn't matter. His mind was already made up. He wasn't looking to date the blonde. Just talk to him. He had to know what happened after high school and if he could've done anything to prevent this.

Timidly, he walked into Kai's room. The blonde was just pushing around his fruit loops with his plastic spoon. He didn't seem to notice his presence. Either that or Kai simply didn't care. Yeonjun sat down on the chair next to the bed to wait for his patient to speak. After a couple of painful seconds, it was apparent he had to talk first. "Not a fruit loop fan I see. Do you want me to grab you something else?"


"Do you want some coffee?"


"Have you eaten anything since you woke up?"

Kai bit into his apple so the guy next to him would shut up. He swallowed the small slice then set it back onto the plastic tray. "I ate that."

"You may not remember me from-"

"I know who you are."

Yeonjun was shocked at the tone. The blonde acted like he hated him and he couldn't figure out why. He only saved his life. Maybe that was it. "You know me?"

"Who didn't?"

"It was a big school..." Yeonjun sat back in his chair when Kai glared at him. "I'm-"

"Why are you here Yeonjun? You're clearly not working if you're wearing that."

The raven hair noted his loose ripped red t-shirt, dark blue ripped jeans and his black army boots. It was an outfit he usually felt confident in but now he wasn't so sure. "I just wanted to make sure my patients were okay."

"Well, I'm fine. Thanks for checking."

"You tried to kill yourself Kai."

"I failed."

The pure conviction behind that statement broke Yeonjun's heart. He could tell Kai sincerely meant it. The blonde was more broken than he assumed. He wanted to fix him. His physical wounds were fixed. Now he wanted to fix his mental ones. Taehyun's advice went ignored as Yeonjun scooted his chair closer to the edge of the bed. "What can I say? I'm good at my job." The corner of Kai's lips upturned slightly before he returned to his emotionless demeanor. "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you in high school."

"No one did."

"What have you been up to after we graduated Kai?"

"Shouldn't you be checking on your other patients?"

"You need me more than they do."

Kai peered hard into Yeonjun's soul. He felt insulted, pissed and annoyed all at once. "No. I don't. You're only here because you feel bad for some reason. I didn't do this because of you. Got it?"

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