🍿Sookai- Protecting the Prince

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"Shh. Be quiet." Kai put his finger to Soobin's lips.

"At least tell me where you're taking me!"

Kai cupped his hand hard against Soobin's mouth. The royal guard had fallen. He was just a mere assistant but it was now up to him to protect the Prince. His royal problem tried to take his blindfold off. Kai tied it even tighter so he couldn't.

Heavy footsteps rounded the corner of the castle walls. Both of them held their breath. A large sword dragged across the bricks. The leader, a man with menacing low voice, taunted "I know you're still here Prince Choi. Come. Join your family in the courtyard. Their execution isn't complete without you."

Kai closed his eyes. His finger drew a circle in the air.

All Soobin could see was a faint blue glow. His hand was grabbed. His body was yanked forward. The winter wind smacked him in the face. He had no idea where he was but he knew they were outside. The sunlight reflected the thick blanket of snow. It was so bright, he could see a white glow through his blindfold. He hated the cold. His shoes sunk into the powder with each step. The wind didn't let up. Some snow fell into his boots. Now he was upset at his socks being wet. "I demand you tell me where we are!"

Kai ignored him. He looked around for a certain vibration in the air. Invisible to the naked eye, unmistakable to the last mage in the southern kingdom. The other mages were killed in a war. The ones who weren't killed had surrendered to the north as slaves in exchange for their lives. Kai stayed in the south, only because no one knew he was a mage. His family was careful to keep that a secret since he was born just as the war ended. Soobin's blindfold wouldn't lift until he knew he no longer needed his magic to protect them.

"I am your Prince! I gave you an order! Tell me where I am!" Soobin was frustrated to say the least. Anger was better than dwelling on his family's deaths so that's how he chose to think.

The northern kingdom had wanted the southern kingdom for a while. An alliance was always in place but both sides knew it was a courtesy. Just a bump in the road to delay the inevitable war. The war began when the Chois made a hasty decision to marry their daughter off to the North's son. Princess Choi killed her husband on their wedding night. She claimed she was raped. The North insisted she was lying. The Princess was executed at dawn and the war began.

Kai wanted to walk in silence but his royal pain kept asking him questions. Where were they going? None of his business. When was his blindfold coming off? When he said so. Was he going to talk to him? Sure, when he felt like it.

He didn't hate Soobin but he also didn't care for him. Royalty slaughtered and enslaved people who were just like him. Kai hated hiding who he was. The most powerful person in the southern kingdom was stuck washing clothes, and dusting furniture, for a brat who would murder him if he ever found out the truth. On second thought, maybe he did hate Soobin. Despite his hatred, the young Choi was innocent in all of this. He signed away his life to work for him so it remained his duty to protect him.

The Prince heard his assistant gasp. "What?! What?!"


"You can't-"

"Shh." Kai touched the shield concealing one of his hideouts. Electricity ran through his fingertips. If anyone else touched it, with intention of breaking in, it would've killed them. The shield instead allowed him to pass through.

A small crystal blue igloo appeared. His parent's house. To an ordinary person, the inside would appear empty. They'd only see a snowy floor and faint blue walls. To Kai, and the Prince now, they'd see the inside of an ice castle. Glass furniture, white fur rugs and pillows, blue stained glass windows (designed like snowflakes) and grand ice chandeliers hung in the center of every room.

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