Sookai- Something to Hide

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One bouquet of lilies, thirteen unexplained text messages and one dead mystery person. All things found in Soobin's car when it collided into a pole on a cold wintery night. Soobin lived and when he woke up from his coma, he had a lot of explaining to do.

Kai was asked to identify the mystery person in his boyfriend's passenger seat. He had no idea who he was. He had never seen him before. The man had golden brown hair that draped to the back of his neck. His lips were thin and rosey, quickly shading to blue. His nose kind of reminded Kai of a garlic bulb. Something that oddly worked with his handsome face. The guy was an attractive stranger found dead in Soobin's car. Why was he in Soobin's car?

Thirteen unexplained messages were found Soobin's phone. The police confirmed the mystery contact was the dead passenger. They identified him as Beomgyu Choi.

"Choi? Are they related?" Kai assumed he may have been a distant relative that he didn't know about. Beomgyu wasn't. He was then asked to look at the blood stained lilies.

"Do they mean anything to you? Maybe a birthday or an anniversay?"

"No. Neither." Kai wanted to puke from the sheer thought of Soobin cheating. He asked the officer if he thought he was. The officer said he couldn't rule it out.

That was all yesterday. Present day, Kai was sitting in the hospital by Soobin's bedside. He couldn't stop reading that short conversation between the two.

It started with Beomgyu texting "hey. Look, I'm not sure I can go through with this."

Soobin replied "I did NOT pay for dinner and a down payment, just to have you cancel on me!"

"But won't he know?"

"He won't. Trust me. Kai doesn't need to find out."

"Why are you even doing this? He seems like a good guy."

"That's none of your business. I'm not paying you to ask questions. I'm paying you because you were recommended by my friend."

Beomgyu didn't respond for several hours after that. Kai rechecked the time stamp. That stranger replied "happy now?" four hours later.

Soobin was happy. He sent a smiley face emoji along with "that was worth every penny." as a response.

"Kai needs to know."

"Who's going to tell him? You? I dare you to!"

"Stop. You know I won't. Do the right thing for once. You're a fucking coward. You know what? Maybe I will tell him!"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! Let's just talk about this!"

"I'll be by the pier. The guilt is eating me alive Soobin. He has to know."

That was the last message between the two. Kai couldn't figure out what Soobin paid Beomgyu for. It had to have been something big. He looked over to his boyfriend still sleeping in that hospital bed. "What couldn't you tell me? Did you pay him for sex? Is that what it was? Why does he feel guilty and you don't?"

The next thing Kai couldn't understand was why Beomgyu acted like he knew him. He had never seen him before in his life. Why did that stranger care so much about a man he's never met?

A police officer came into the room. He had a somber look on his face. "Hey. We need you back down at the station. There's another body. Your picture is in his wallet."

Kai slowly stood up. His hands and arms were shaking. "It's not someone in my family is it?"

The officer looked at his notes. "Anyone in your family have a last name of Choi?"


"Come on Kai."

When they got to the station, every officer turned to look at Kai with suspicion. No one thought he was involved. They just wondered why he seemed to be the center of two dead bodies and a guy in a coma. One whispered that he must've pissed off "the big man upstairs." Another assumed he just had really bad luck. Either way, the situation was pretty bad.

Kai didn't think it could get worse until he saw a patch of long, thick, black hair under the blanket. He fell to his knees. The medical examiner lifted the cloth but he already knew who it was. Yeonjun Choi. His ex. They were together for three years before they broke up because they couldn't handle the long distance anymore. He felt a hand grip his shoulder. Kai weakly picked himself off of the floor. "That's-that's Yeonjun Choi..."

"Is he related to Soobin or Beomgyu?"

"N-no. He's part American. I thought he was living in the States now..."

The officer had a whim and he hoped he was wrong. "Kai? When was your anniversay with Yeonjun?"

"It was- OH GOD!" Kai fell to his knees again. He clutched his heart with his hands. Their anniversary was three days ago.

Officer Kang decided to conceal Yeonjun's purchase history. The Choi bought those lilies at the airport three days ago. They were currently going through all security footage to see exactly what happened in those past 72 hours.

The guy on the ground broke his heart. This case was going to be an unforgettable one. What happened seemed cut and dry. Soobin hired Beomgyu to kill Yeonjun. Might have been jealousy. Might have been some overprotective urge he had. Maybe a bit of both?

All he knew was this moment in time wasn't one he was going to forget. He was witnessing the worst moment in Kai's life. The complete despair in his eyes threatened to make his own water. What was worse was knowing he was innocent in all of it. Taehyun could only hug him from behind as his victim sobbed in his arms. He wanted to say something but what could he possibly say to make things better? That he was going to arrest his boyfriend? That Yeonjun clearly still loved him? He certainly refused to lie to him because there wasn't any silver lining to be found.

Gravity felt heavy as Kai stumbled to his feet. He trodded over to that long metal table. "Yeonjun..."

"Kai. Don't."

Kai ignored him and pulled the sheet downwards. One bullet hole was directly over Yeonjun's heart. "Did he suffer?"


Kai softly nodded. He pulled the sheet back over his ex then walked out.

Taehyun watched him from the inside of the glass doorway. Kai just stood still in the sunlight. His keys fumbled in his palm since he drove the younger here. He quietly pushed the door open then asked "where do you want me to take you?"

"The hospital."


Kai suspected Soobin was awake the whole time he was there. His suspicions were confirmed when he walked in to see his boyfriend flipping through TV channels. Kai was furious. He tried to lunge at him but officer Kang held him back. "WHAT DID YOU DO SOOBIN?!"



Taehyun dragged him out of the room then threw him in a chair down the hall. "Stop."

Kai was hysterical. He tried to fight his way out of the chair but Taehyun was too strong. His cheeks were carefully grabbed. He started to cry as he was held. "Wh-what do I do now?"

"You have my number. Just call me whenever you want to talk okay? I'm going to send you a list of therapists too. They're all really good."


Soobin knew he was about to be arrested when he heard heavy footsteps walk towards his door. He stuck his wrists out to get it over with.

Taehyun just had one question. "Why?"

Soobin smirked as he felt cold metal against his skin. "He will be back. He loves me."

"I wouldn't count on it."

"Oh, officer... KAI won't be back. But Kamal will."

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