🍑TXT- Winter- Part Three

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Kai was lying in bed with the newest letter in his hands. Yeonjun was his only motivation to keep going. His concept of time was fucked because of his father but he knew spring was around the corner. Those brief interactions with Lea confirmed that. Her skin color was starting to flush to life versus her winter Snow White pale.

Bahiyyih was set to arrive any second. He hadn't seen her in close to a month. Kai quickly read the letter Yeonjun gave him so he could start to write his own.

Kai, baby, I'm worried I won't actually see you when spring arrives. Then again, I'm afraid that the you I see won't even be you. I know I shouldn't even be telling you this! You have enough to worry about so I'll move onto something happier. I made a whole playlist of songs I think you'd like. They're all nostalgic. Songs that have moved me in a short time just like you have. I also have a million dates planned for us too! Stay strong okay? I'll write to you soon.

"I miss you Yeonjun..." Kai kissed the letter then proceeded to burn it. Even though his father knew they wrote to each other, he didn't know of what they contained. It was only an assumption.

The clock on the wall said he had exactly one minute before his little sister arrived. He would be damned wasting one of his precious 15 minutes with her so he wrote his poem quickly.

I'm still the same Kai
Lightning flows through my fingers
Yeonjun, wait for me

His poem was carefully folded and placed into an envelope. Bahiyyih walked through the door with a second later. She tackled him to the bed, thankful to see him still alive. "HYUKA!"


"I DON'T CARE!" Against her statement, she backed off of him. Since they only had 15 minutes, she decided to cut to the chase. "Why do you always write poems? You're so weird for that."

"They get to the point in only three lines. If I wrote everything that I wanted to then I'd end up writing a book!"

"Yeah, you do ramble a lot."

Kai stared at this thumbs twiddling together. "Plus, dad doesn't give me a lot of time to write anyways..."

"Has it been better?"

"You mean have I died again?"


"It's been the same. I don't know what he wants from me Hiyyih. All I do is train and I don't understand why. How's mom been?"

"She's doing better. Stopped working herself to death in the south side of the world. Actually showering more than once a week now. She's actually considering dating again!"

"Who?! We're the last titans left!"

"Not a titan. A mortal. She met some gardener, activist, whatever, in Venezuela and she really likes him."

Kai got over the shock when he remembered the letter still in his hands. Falling in love with a mortal didn't seem so crazy considering he did it. "Good luck to her I guess."

"Dad isn't going to give her more time to fix the world, will he?"

"No... this world will burn up and then refreeze like it did before. Life will start over. I'm scared for you guys. Dad said she almost died during the ice age."

Hiyyih's voice broke into a weak whisper. "Do you think that will happen to me and Lea?"

"I don't know..."

The large grandfather clock rung in the hallway. The Huening siblings quickly exchanged letters before their father marched into the room. Hiyyih hugged her brother one last time then quickly took off before hell broke out.

David Huening was pleased to see that Kai was alone. "It's time I told you the truth. A famine is coming on the girls and they're not ready. Your mother and sisters were destined to die. That's why I've been training you. I can't fight destiny but you can. You're more powerful than you realize. We would be unstoppable together kid."

"What do you mean you can't fight destiny?"

"No matter how many times I go back in time, nothing changes when I go into the future. We're stuck on a timeline that I can only move forward and backwards in. But you!" David knelt before his son. "I believe that when you're strong enough, you'll be able to break from it. I believe that one day, you can break time and save your mother and sisters."

"You're training me to fight destiny?"


Kai still didn't completely understand. "And how am I expected to do that?"

"I'll give you my powers when you're ready. I truly believe that with more training, you can break time."

Yeonjun watched the sun rise from his bedroom window. He was tightly bundled up in a blanket with his letter in his hand. In the distance was a brown owl flying towards his direction. "Hikaru!" Yeonjun quickly opened his window to let the large bird in. He had to resist petting her because last time he did, he received a nasty bite on his finger. Instead, they traded envelopes. Hikaru flew off while he read the newest poem.

I'm still the same Kai
Lightning flows through my fingers
Yeonjun, wait for me

"I will always wait for you Kai." Yeonjun sent a photo of the poem to the groupchat. Taehyun told him that they'd be there soon. 10 minutes later, they were.

Soobin walked in holding a large stack of books that the other two forced him to carry. He dramatically dropped them to the ground then wiped the sweat off of his brow. "I hate you guys."

"That's a shame because I LOVE you!" Beomgyu chased him around, trying to kiss him. He did not expect Soobin to stop in his tracks and hold his arm out. That caused the shorter to run straight into it like a wall. On the ground, Beomgyu complained that he "broke his legs and needed to be carried everywhere now."

Soobin only rolled his eyes then walked towards the other two. He sat down on the floor with them. Over Taehyun's shoulder, he saw the newest poem being highlighted in his hands. "Oh my god! He CAN control energy!"

Taehyun silently wondered if that's why bugs were so attracted to Kai. He mumbled "like a moth to a flame."

Beomgyu wrapped his arm around Yeonjun's shoulders and proudly proclaimed "you're dating a God! You! Yeonjun!"

"Yeah. A God..." Yeonjun suddenly felt unworthy. All of his insecurities started to taunt his mind. Why was Kai attracted to him? Was it because he talked to him? Did he feel that way about Taehyun? They talked! He was just Yeonjun Choi. A normal, ordinary, mortal who happened to fall in love.

A myriad of new questions raced through his mind. Would Kai live forever? How old was he? Were there other gods besides the Huenings? Did he want to be normal? Could he ever be normal? How would regular Yeonjun Choi fit into Kai's life? Yeonjun was so deep in thought that Soobin had to smack him to get his attention. "What was that for?!"

"We've been trying to get your attention for the past three minutes!"

"Sorry, what did you find?"

Taehyun held up an open greek mythology book. "If his dad controls time and Kai controls electricity then they're greek gods. Or at least relatives of them. We think we know where they're staying."

Beomgyu added "I always thought Kai looked like the son of Aphrodite."

Taehyun sneered "have you even met him? Wait, no. Scratch that. Have you even seen him?"

"Don't need to! It's all up in here." Beomgyu proudly tapped his forehead only to have the group roll their eyes at him.

Yeonjun's patience was running out. "Whatever! Where do you think he is?"

Taehyun showed him a photo on google maps. "Athens, Ohio. It's surrounded by parks in all sides. We think he's somewhere in there."

"That's not far from us! I don't want to wait until spring to see him. I'm going this weekend. Wanna come?"

One look between them all was the confirmation they needed. This weekend, they were going to look for a God.

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