🧇Sookai- Reconciliation

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The candles were lit. The water in the crystal vase was freshly changed. A dozen scarlet red roses were carefully placed inside. Soobin meticulously fluffed them to make the centerpiece look fuller. "Okay. Just need the food now."

According to his app, the delivery person would be there in 10 minutes. That was 10 minutes he spent cleaning the apartment. Soobin cleaned it earlier but his anxiety made him believe the floors needed a second polishing.

Ever since their disagreement, Kai had been spending every night at his boyfriend's house. Soobin felt awful. Their apartment felt so empty and lifeless without him. There wasn't a single day where he didn't beat himself up for his reaction to Kai telling him he loved him. He should've kissed him when his love leaned in. He shouldn't have been mad that he was dating someone else. It wasn't Kai's fault Soobin didn't make his feelings about him known. It was his.

Kai texted him that he was coming home. This was Soobin's opportunity to tell him he was sorry. Maybe if things went really well, he would finally get to be with his soulmate. He refused to get his hopes up as the doorbell rang. The food was piping hot. Greasy burgers, cajun spiced fries and two bottles of coke zero. A favorite for days he didn't feel like cooking for them. Right now, it was his "I'm sorry" meal.

Soobin laid the food out then tossed the bag into the trash. Kai walked in shortly after. The younger was walking quickly to his room. Soobin couldn't even see his face. He decided to follow him. "Kai?"

"Go away."

The bedroom door closed on him. "Kai please... I got us your favorite! I even remembered every little topping that you usually get!"

"Go away Soobin."

"Can we please just talk?"

"We're talking now."

"Kai. I'm sorry. I know I messed up. Please let me make it up to you." Soobin pressed his ear against the door when he didn't get a response back. "Kai?"

"Please go away."

There was pain in his voice. That concerned the hell out of Soobin. He twisted the doorknob then slowly pushed the door open. "OH MY GOD!" What he saw was a sliced bottom lip and a bandage over Kai's nose. "ARE YOU OKAY?!" Before the younger even responded, he wrapped him up in a tight hug.

Kai mumbled "I'm fine now" against his roommate's chest.

Soobin pulled away with his hands securely holding the other's. "Did he do this to you?!"

"Yes but-"


Kai yanked him back down onto the bed. "I already did it for you. Trust me, this is light compared to what he looks like."

"I'm glad." Soobin ran his fingers through the other's bangs. He was so thankful those beautiful eyes weren't bruised. "Why though?"

"I broke up with him after I left that morning. He didn't take it well... I didn't want you to worry so I spent a couple days at Beomgyu's house. I'm sorry. I should've told you."

"I'm just glad you're okay." Soobin kissed his forehead. He felt Kai smile beneath him. All of his anxiety about tonight began to fade away when his love rested his head against his chest. He joked "thank you for kicking his ass."

"You're welcome?"

"Can you eat?"

"Yeah. My lip doesn't sting anymore."

"How does burgers sound?"

"It sounds perfect." Soobin stood up but Kai pulled him back down onto the bed. Without a warning, he kissed him.

Soobin's heart stopped. His breath was taken away. He could no longer think. He could only feel. His lips parted to pull Kai into another kiss. He couldn't help but smile within it. His thumb grazed his cheek as he kissed him again.

Kai whispered "I love you Soobin. Thank you for kissing me back this time."

"I love you too baby."

Just as they were about to kiss again, Soobin's stomach rumbled. They laughed about it together then sat down to eat. When he looked up, he saw Kai struggling to take bites of the burger. "Do you want me to cut it up for you?"

"No, that's okay."

Soobin didn't listen. He got up and grabbed a knife and fork. The sandwich was turned into a bunch of puzzle pieces that once resembled something complete. Bits of lettuce was here. Random squares of meat was there. Regardless, he felt satisfied when Kai was actually able to eat it now.

"Eating a burger with a fork feels wrong."

"Baby, I'm just glad you can eat it now. Does it taste the same?" Kai gave him a thumbs up. When they were done eating, Soobin started to clean up. The younger offered to help but he insisted on doing it by himself. While he washed dishes, he felt a warm pair of arms wrap tightly around his stomach from behind. He grinned as he turned his head to kiss his favorite person. "I should've told you sooner. We could've been dating three months ago."

Kai rested his chin on Soobin's shoulder so he could watch him wash dishes. "We're together now. But yeah. You should've told me sooner."

Soobin whipped some water at him as his boyfriend ran off. "YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE CUTE!"



Kai came back into the kitchen with a hoodie on. "Out."


"How does a movie sound? We can stop by your favorite bakery first and sneak some desserts in!" Kai didn't wait for an answer. He grabbed his keys out of the dish then threw Soobin's coat at him. "Come on! The bakery closes in 20 minutes!"

As Soobin put his jacket on, he adored the way his boyfriend was looking at him. All of the love in the world was held in those starstruck eyes. They beamed at him. They captivated his soul.

He wasn't going to get ahead of himself but he could already see their future. He saw himself proposing. He saw them getting married. He imagined them raising daughters with Kai buying them all of the stuffed animals they wanted. He would then complain they were running out of room but one puppy eyed look would cause him to cave. Kai would spend the rest of his life being spoiled by him because Soobin would forever be thankful he was given a chance.

Living together has been a joy. Kai was his home. His presence alone made him feel safe. His touch, as he grabbed the younger's hand, filled with him overwhelming bliss. Soobin giggled as they ran down the street together. He felt young again. He felt full of life and that was all thanks to Kai.

"Baby look!" Kai pointed to a small shiny bun shaped like a rabbit. It advertised a honey cheese filling. "I want this one!"

Soobin bought two.

Kai watched him take a bite first. He let out a loud laugh when he compared his pastry to his boyfriend. "You guys look the same!"

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yeah! You're both cute!" Kai bought two more then carefully tucked the bag in his jacket. "Let's go big bunny! Movie starts soon!"

"I am NOT a rabbit!" The two ran off.

The "bunny" nickname stuck for life. Kai was the only one who was allowed to call him that. His friends learned that the hard way. Beomgyu called him that as a joke once which got him flicked on the forehead.

If it was even possible, the two became more inseparable than before. Soobin's bedroom was turned into an office. Kai hardly went in it which meant he could plan their anniversary right under his nose. Soobin had something big planned too. They've talked about going to Japan for a long time. Tonight, he was going to surprise him with the tickets.

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