Yeonkai- What if? #1

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Short Story Collection- Chapter: Internal Battle

➡️What if Kai's parents didn't get divorced?

watched in horror as his friend banged
his head against the tile wall. "JUNNIE I'M HERE! I'M RIGHT HERE!"

Yeonjun found himself being held tightly
by Kai. He curled up into a ball then
slammed his hands over his ears. His
eyes squinted shut. Every time he opened them, he saw an evil version of himself. He told his parents about it when he was younger but they assumed it was just his imaginary friend. He was told he would grow out of it. He was 18 years old in his last year of high school. He did not grow out of it. If anything, it got worse.

Evil Yeonjun stood in the corner of the
bathroom stall. He pulled a razor blade
out of thin air then waved it to taunt his
counterpart. "You know you want to.
Come on! You wouldn't have to see me
anymore if you did!" He sliced his throat
and laughed as he did it.

The real Yeonjun still wouldn't open
his eyes. He already knew what was
happening. That vision haunted him twice a week. It seemed to change every time he had a major life event. The most recent being the start of his senior year.

Kai continued to rock him in his arms. He stroked his hair and kept whispering that he wasn't leaving him. "I'm right here. You're with me. I'm right here. You're with me."

Yeonjun began to repeat that phrase to
himself. "I'm right here. You're with me
I'm right here. You're with me." It made
him feel better. He was so tired of battling his mind. When he opened his eyes, the evil depiction was gone. He sunk into Kai's body. His head relaxed just below his chin. He could've fallen asleep right there in the bathroom if Kai didn't bring him to his feet. "I'm sorry. Again."

"Please stop apologizing. It's not your
fault." Kai hugged him again. He wished
he could take away all of Yeonjun's
burdens. It wasn't fair that his own mind
fought with him. At minimum, Kai wished he knew what triggered the visions.

His friend had been tested for everything. The only positive results he had was extreme anxiety and a moderate amount of depression. Nothing indicating he was hallucinating. Therapists had guessed he experienced childhood trauma and this was his way of coping. Yeonjun guessed that might've been it. He didn't remember most of his childhood. He just knew it wasn't good.

Kai was always the person people
grabbed when Yeonjun had a breakdown. He didn't know why but he was the only person who seemed to make him calm down.

Despite the whole demon thing, Yeonjun was very popular in the school. The ladies and the guys loved him equally.
His visions were just an unfortunate part of him. After a month, once the routine set in, his visions would be gone. Kai and Yeonjun would go back to their seperate lives.

They were friends but neither was apart
of their inner circles. They were the kind
of friends who only talked to each other
during school. Never hung out after.
Yeonjun wanted to get closer to Kai. After all, the younger was his main source of comfort. He just never seemed to have the time. Other friends always made plans with him first. They didn't share any classes together either. Kai was missing his politics class right now to be with him.

This was the last year of high school.
Yeonjun really wanted to get closer to him before he couldn't anymore. When Kai started to leave, he said "wait."


"Are you free this week?"

"I guess. Why?"

"We've never really hung out before. I mean, do you want to?"

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