🥝Beomkai- My Boss and I

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Beomgyu quietly laughed to himself as he stood outside of Kai's office. He was practicing for a bit that he wanted to try. "Deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale." His hands went into his pockets as he turned around to stand in the middle of the doorway. His mouth opened to speak.

Before Beomgyu could get his joke out, Kai teasingly threatened "don't even think about it."

"But... it's good!"

Kai grinned as he kept writing. "Fine. Is it anything like the last bit you tried to do?"

"It's different!"

"Is it?"

"No idea! Let's see!"

"HONEY!" Kai leaned over his desk but his boyfriend was gone. He reluctantly sat back down to await the 5th bit this month.

Beomgyu put his hands back into his pockets then leaned against the blonde's office doorway. He bit his lip, partly to be sexy, mostly because he would start laughing if he didn't. "So you're my new boss?"

Kai rolled his eyes in his smile. He decided to play along. "I am. What's your name?"

"Beomgyu Choi. What's yours?"

"Kai Huening." He stuck his hand out. "It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot of good things about you."

"Have you now?"

"You're quite impressive." Kai slowly looked him up and down. "Since I'm new to the company, I'll need a little help. Someone to show me around. Someone to... teach me things. Until, I get more comfortable of course."

Beomgyu stepped into his body. His arms hooked around his waist. "I can make you comfortable! I'd love to show you-"

"-yeah?" Kai ran his thumb over the shorter's cheek.

"Babe! You ruined the bit!"

"They all end the same way!"

"That's not the point!"

Kai held his cheek then kissed his forehead. "I know honey. I'm sorry. I just have a lot of work to do. Plus, if we keep doing this, they're going to switch one of us to a different division."

"At least they didn't find out about last night!"


Beomgyu looked at his watch. He actually did have a lot of work to do. "We're having lunch together right?"

"Of course."

"Okay!" Beomgyu kissed him then walked out. On the way back to his desk, he thought of what happened 10 hours ago.

Last night, Kai was forced to go back to the office due to his own stupidity. He was having dinner with Beomgyu and they were talking about the different deadlines they had for work. Halfway through talking, it occurred to him that one of those deadlines was today. His hand went over his mouth. "Shit! I'm so sorry honey!" Midnight was in three hours. Kai kissed his boyfriend's cheek then ran out of his house.

Beomgyu whined as the door closed. They had only begun dating recently. He wanted to spend every second he could with the blonde. To achieve that goal, he decided to pack up their thai food and bring it to his office.

Kai was furiously typing away as the sound of a vacuum filled the halls. It was an excellent white noise to drown out his other thoughts. He had to concentrate on work so he didn't get fined. Next, he ran to the copy room. The printer was acting up. "Come on you stupid thing! Work with me here!" Once his signed contracts were photocopied, he ran back to his desk. Seeing his boyfriend sitting in his chair made him jump. "Honey! You gave me a heart attack!"

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