🍇TXT- Lost Him- Part One

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"FUCK!" Beomgyu slammed his palm on the heavy metal desk. "HOW DID YOU LOSE HIM AGAIN?!"

Taehyun frantically typed away, trying his best to trace Soobin again. "I don't know! This shouldn't have happened!" The line to that cellphone cut off. It was either turned off or ditched on the side of the road. For Taehyun's sake, he hoped it was off. "Sir?"

Beomgyu put his finger up to silence him. He had to process another plan incase Soobin got away again. There was a photo of Yeonjun and him with their arms around each other on his desk. It was taken at the award ceremony for their accomplishments in battle. Yeonjun was appointed to General that day. Beomgyu promised to be his right hand. Their careers were bright. He held the photo and asked "what would you do? If you were still alive, what would you do?"

Taehyun stood next to him, leaning against the desk. "Sir? May I speak?"


"Maybe we should let Kai go." Taehyun gulped when those piercing eyes gave him a death glare. "Let me explain."

"This better be good."

"Kai is our best shot of finding him. If we let him go, he may be able to track Soobin down. We can keep tabs on him the whole time. My only concerns are his obvious mental deficiencies."

"You want me to let go of our best lead?" Beomgyu slowly stood up, trying to control his anger. "They killed Yeonjun! Your General! My best friend! We have one of them and you want me to release him?!"

"Sir. Please. I'm only suggesting this because I'm certain Soobin and Kai will find each other. They were lovers."

"I KNOW THAT!" That metal thermos clanged against the wall. Beomgyu was about to yell more until he realized Kai woke up. "Shit. We'll call that a backup plan okay?"

"Yes sir..."

Kai woke up to see the empty spot on the bed. "Baby?"

Beomgyu quickly walked in and greeted him with a kiss. "Hey. Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No. I slept really well last night."

"I'm glad to hear it." He drugged Kai when he snapped back to normal again. Those sleeping pills are powerful. "Say, you don't remember who Soobin Choi is right?"

"No. Didn't you ask me this yesterday?"

"Just making sure." Kai was looking at him suspiciously. Beomgyu softened his expression then offered his hand. "Come on, I'll make you some food."

Kai gladly took his hand and followed him to the kitchen. He started to shiver on the plastic dining chair.

Beomgyu mixed a pancake batter together. He watched Kai out of the corner of his eye. "Babe, you don't need permission to put some clothes on. You're cold. Go change."

"It's not that I needed permission."

The first scoop of pancake batter plopped onto the pan. Buttery sugar flooded the air. It felt comforting. "Then what is it?"

"I'm just worried that you'll be gone when I get back."

"Awe... come here." Beomgyu hugged him with one arm and cooked with the other. "I'm sorry I've been working so much. I love you. I miss you all the time."

"I love you too." Kai held him tightly. The pancakes smelled ridiculously good. He dipped his finger into the batter then held it for Beomgyu to taste. "It was so fun watching you do that last night."

Beomgyu turned around then wrapped his arms around his neck. When their tounges met, he picked him up by the waist and placed him on the counter. His hands traced Kai's back as they made their way down to his thighs. "I love you Huening."

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