Tyunning- He Will Be Loved

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"I was never good enough for you was I?"

Taehyun was left heartbroken for what felt like the hundreth time since he's known Kai. He couldn't understand why he couldn't say "yes" to him when he loved him more than anyone else. The blonde was his security blanket. He told him everything. Kai had never failed to be there for him. So why, when his true love was standing in front of him again, did he still say "no"?

Kai tossed the rose onto the street as he walked away. He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket. The tears wouldn't stop coming. Every rejection felt just like the first one.

They slept together the night before after Taehyun went through yet another breakup. Kai reminded him how special he was, how much he loved him and how much better he could treat him. Exactly like every other time. And just like every other time, Kai convinced himself that this time he would finally get his chance.

That morning, before Taehyun woke up, he slipped out of bed to buy them breakfast. On the way home, he also bought a rose. That rose was now broken in half from a kid riding their bike over it.

Taehyun had absolutely no self worth. He chose people who were wrong for him because he knew they would leave. It was like a long, twisted, punishment that he willingly took. Kai terrified him. The blonde saw something in him that he couldn't see himself. He thought every word of praise was just a beautiful lie. His heart knew there wasn't a more sincere person in the world but convincing himself that Kai was lying was easier than accepting that he, Taehyun Kang, was good enough for him.

How many times can you push someone away before they gave up? That was the final one for Kai. He would continue to be there for Taehyun but it would no longer be romantic. Other people were interested in him. Maybe it was time to give one of them a chance.

Taehyun cried on the couch. He couldn't get the blonde's face out of his mind. He looked sad but this time he saw that spark of love leave his eyes. Taehyun sobbed at the thought of losing him. He hated himself. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!" His fist connected with a pillow. He pretended that pillow was his own face. Blow after blow was being slammed into it. He grabbed the pillow and threw it across the room. It shattered a lamp. His energy was gone as he sobbed into his arms.

Last night was perfect. He replayed it in his mind when exhaustion set in. Kai was so gentle with him. His kisses were soft and passionate. The way the blonde held him made him feel safe. Kai was the only person he didn't have anxiety with when they had sex. Every light touch was intoxicating. Whispers of how loved he was, were moaned into his ear. He was told he was perfect. Every minor scar on his chest and stomach were healed by the blonde's lips. Every thrust made him feel as if their souls were connecting.

Kai was selfless, always taking care of Taehyun before himself. The best part came afterwards. When it was over, Taehyun would become wrapped up in the blonde's arms. He was always warm to the touch. His head snuggled on the blonde's chest. He loved the sound of Kai's heartbeat. Nothing else was better at putting him to sleep.

Taehyun cried himself to sleep. When he woke up, he checked his phone. It was six in the evening. Usually Kai sent him a message asking if he was okay. This time, there wasn't anything. He decided to call him. If Kai ever asked again, he would tell him "yes". He just couldn't lose him.

Rain lightly patted the windows of the cafe Kai was sitting in. His date just went to the bathroom. They were having a really good time. What was better was how much they had in common. A vibration went off in his pocket. Taehyun was calling him. Just as he was about to answer, his date walked back to the table. He hung up on him instead.

"He hung up on me..." Taehyun just stared at his home screen. The blonde had never done that to him before. His anxiety made his mind run a mile a minute. He went to a dark place, convincing himself that he lost Kai forever. The blonde finally got sick of him like everyone else seemed to. He was sick of himself. "I love you Kai..." The empty house reflected how empty he felt inside.

Taehyun wasn't going to kill himself but he decided to write out a suicide note to process his feelings. He wrote anything that came to mind. "Kai" was the most consistent thing that he wrote. "I love him. We should've been together. Kai hates me now. I'm fucking pathetic. I'm not the perfect person he says I am. Kai deserves better. Kai... I want you Kai." Tears started to stain the paper.

"I want you Kai. I don't know how to love. I don't know how to be loved. How do you do it? Why do you love me? I'm nothing. I want you so badly. I've never accepted because I can't stand the thought of losing you if we broke up. Yet, we've never dated and I still lost you! Am I allowed to want you back if I've never had you? Ask me again. God, please, ask me again. I'll say yes. I promise on my life that I'll say yes."

Taehyun pressed his head against the desk and let his tears fall to the floor. In his anger, he slammed his palms on the edge. "FUCK THIS!" Taehyun ran out of the house.

Kai set his keys into the bowl after being dropped off by his date. His hair was soaked from the rain. He decided to take a quick shower to get the musty smell off. After his shower, he changed into a loose t-shirt and some black sweatpants. Someone was knocking at his front door. The person outside started yelling to be let in.

When he opened the door, his heart tightened in his chest. Taehyun was standing outside with a rose in his hand. He was soaked from head to toe. His wet bangs were pushed backwards to keep from falling into his eyes. Kai didn't know how to feel. "Taehyun? What are you-"

Taehyun grabbed his collar then pressed their lips together. Years of fear were being released. He wanted to cry when Kai wrapped his arms around him. True love was still terrifying. It started to become less scary when their kiss deepened. The blonde broke their kiss so they could step out of the rain. Taehyun offered him the rose. "I love you..."

Kai took it then placed it onto the table. He ran his fingertips through Taehyun's bangs so he could properly look him in the eye. Those big boba eyes were stunning. Even more so when a few tears slipped from them. Kai kissed his forehead then held his cheeks. "I love you too."

Taehyun whimpered "I'm nothing..."

"You're my world."

Taehyun kissed him again. Clothes slipped off. He melted with each brief touch. Kai's tounge traced a path from his neck to his tip. Everything the blonde was doing was passionately for him. Goosebumps rose on skin. His back arched from every beautiful pleasure being offered to him. Their souls connected when their hips did. He swore their connection went deeper than before. The bedframe started to compete with the thunder. Taehyun stared into those lust clouded eyes as they came together. His heart was filled with warmth just like his body. He grabbed Kai's cheeks to kiss him between breaths. "I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Please don't push me away in the morning."

"I won't baby." Taehyun kissed the bridge of his nose. "I'm all yours now." He let himself be his as he was wrapped up in his boyfriend's arms. Before he drifted off, he thought of one thing. Kai's heartbeat was the best noise to fall asleep to.

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