Sookai- Getting Ready

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This was the best day of Soobin's life. He was getting married! Naturally, he was feeling a million emotions at once as he sat in his dressing room chair. He was anxious, excited, worried he was going to be stood up at the alter, more anxious, and thrilled it was finally happening.

Kai, his best man, was listening to him ramble on about all the things that could go wrong with the wedding. "Soobin it's going to be okay!" Kai worked to fix his tie. His best friend was never the best at them. "Seriously, you need to relax. The alter won't get set on fire. You're not going to stumble your words. You're definitely not going to be left at the alter!"


Kai covered Soobin's mouth with his hand. "Shh." He yanked it back when it was licked. "What was that for?!"

Soobin grinned. He was pretty satisfied with that he just did. Satisfaction turned back into fear as he fixed with hair for the millionth time. "I'm just so worried that something will go wrong!"

"How come?" Kai grabbed his hands so he would stop fixing a problem that wasn't there. He knelt down so they could be at eye level. "The weather is beautiful. Everyone is here, including the staff. The cake arrived safely. Your in laws are happily chatting with your parents. Why are you so nervous?"

"Because. What if I'm marrying the wrong person?"

"The wrong person?" Kai didn't understand. "I thought you loved him."

"I do but... have you seen "How I met your Mother?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"I watched the episode where Victoria ditches her fiance at the alter. And then it turns out the fiance was leaving her too. What he said stuck with me."

Kai really didn't understand now. It had been a while since he's seen the show. "And that was?"

"Something along the lines of her being close to being "the one" but knowing she wasn't the one. That if it was really right, there wouldn't be anything to doubt."

"And you think Yeonjun isn't the one?"

"I don't know... I love him but I can't shake the feeling that he isn't who I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with."

"This is just pre-wedding nerves."

"You think so?" Kai nodded his head but Soobin saw the doubt. His best man was as unsure as he was. It made sense for Kai to question the relationship because it wasn't his. He didn't completely understand how their dynamics worked. How could he?

Soobin began to think back on all of the times he was sitting at home with Yeonjun, wishing he was with someone else. Or the times he had exciting news and his fiance wasn't the person he told first. Why didn't he tell Yeonjun he got a promotion first? He tried to remember who he did tell.

Kai noticed a few loose stands of hair on Soobin's jacket. He grabbed a lint roller and began to fix his suit. When he looked in the mirror, he saw his best friend looking at him funny. "What?"


"Okay?" The last little pieces of imperfections were brushed off. The suit and the person in it looked perfect. "You're all set. I'm going to go check on Yeonjun. I'll be back in a couple minutes!"

Soobin took a hard look at himself in the mirror. He absolutely loved Yeonjun. There wasn't any doubt about that. He needed him in his life. But did he love him as a soulmate or just a reliable friend? He didn't know as he stared at his homescreen on his phone.

It was a selfie they took together at the beach. The photo was very cute. Yeonjun was kissing his cheek with the sunset in the background. The date wasn't as cute. Soobin still hated swimming. Yeonjun loved it. There was a lot of frustration between them until they decided to leave. Then everything went back to normal. A lot of their dates seemed to be like that.

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