Happy New Year!

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I just wanted to say a few sincere things about the year of 2023 for me. Not a story so feel free to skip.

In 2023, I started writing because I blew through every story that I wanted to read in three(ish) months. I figured, "okay nothing to read so why not just write what you would want to read?" So I did. I NEVER would've suspected how many views I've achieved in the short time I've been doing this and I have you guys to thank!

I'll start with thanking those who are reading this first. If you've made it to this paragraph then that means you're reading this to hear from me and I'm honored! I love and appreciate you all. Those who vote, comment, message and the silent viewers. 💙

Writing is a form of therapy for me. I write when I'm stressed since it allows me to think about something else other than real life for a short period of time. I also write for fun because it's a good way to quickly pass time between moments of reality. It's my perfect escapism.

I write about TXT because they're, without a doubt, my favorite band in the world. They're authentic to the core. They're open with their struggles and their quest for perfection is endless. I hope their quest for happiness is just as relentless. The small things in life matter. It's what keeps us going when life wants to beat us down. My small thing just happens to be TXT and it breaks my heart that I'll never be able to afford their concert tickets. Nevertheless, I will continue to support them from afar!

In my birthday letter to Kai, I wrote about why he's my ultimate bias in the first place. When I read back on it now, it's still true. I love seeing his growth. How he continues to not only find himself but feel more confident within himself. I think that once he truly believes he can do anything, he'll be unstoppable. I also want him to know that MOAs love him for the adorable, awkward, angel that he is. We love and accept both happy Kai and negative Kai because at the end of the day, he's still Kai. 🩷

My wish for 2024 Kai is to take that trip with his members. One week. Wherever they want. No cameras. Just five men being enthusiastic morons reaking havoc on the world! I hope it's filled with rest and relaxation too. And good food. You always need good food. If I'm still writing by this time next year, I'll get to see if it came true!

My wish for 2024 me is pretty basic. Travel the world. I take 3-5 big trips a year and would like that to continue. Asia is wayy too expensive to fly to where I'm from so maybe more of Europe instead? There's a whole world out there and I just want to dive into it! Oh, and get my 4th tattoo. Definitely putting that on the list.

I'll close this out by saying that I hope 2024 is a better year for everyone reading this. I hope something good happens to you. I hope you gain something wonderful that gives you happiness. That one thing you will always look forward to to brighten your day. It can be as small as a fresh cup of coffee or as big as a partner in life!

This has been long enough so I'll close it out. Thanks for reading! I love you and I wish you a wonderful 2024!



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