🍿Sookai- A Dip in the Ocean

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"Your highness?"

Prince Soobin finished putting away his last dish after thoroughly drying it. He then turned around to see Kai in a loose black hoodie and black track pants. The mage was looking out of the window with his eyebrows furrowed together. "I told you, please call me Soobin. We're equals now."

"And I told you, Sire, that despite you relieving me of my duties, I am vowed to serve you."

"And you have. As a friend." Soobin desperately wanted Kai to see him as an equal. If he did, maybe the mage would drop his defense stance. He wanted to get to know him, not just as an employee but as a human. A small part of him also assumed that Kai felt the same way he did. Romantically. But those walls never came down. He didn't know anything real about him let alone his inner feelings.

Soobin stood next to Kai to see what he was looking at. Out there was the same view it always was. Ice and an ocean. "What did you want to tell me? What's out there?"

"It seems like a nice day for a swim. Don't you think?"

The floating ice caps disagreed. At least to the Prince anyways. "I don't know how to swim."

"Perhaps a soak then? Your high, I mean, Soobin..." Kai bit his bottom lip. That felt wrong to say. It was similar to calling his mother by her first name. The Prince had many titles. No actual name as far as Kai was concerned.

"You want to soak in ice..."

"While I do enjoy an ice bath, I would hate to make you suffer in one. It will be warmed for you sir. I mean, sorry, Soobin."

Soobin nervously took Kai's hand. "Will you be joining me?"

"Do I have your permission?"

"You saved my life. You may do as you wish with me."

Kai swallowed his anxiety as blood rose to his cheeks. "R-right. Well, I'll join you down here in five minutes."

Soobin searched his drawers and realized that none of Kai's old swimsuits fit him. His choice was either go naked or wear his underwear. Either option was embarrassing. He wanted to back out but this a chance to talk to the mage with sincerity. To break down those walls and allow Kai to see him as a person instead of a Prince. After careful consideration, he made his choice. "This is crazy. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot."

"Sir?" Kai quickly looked away when he saw the Prince walking naked down the stairs. He on the other hand, was in a wetsuit covered head to toe. When he opened his eyes, he saw everything exposed in front of him. "S-sir?" His hand quickly blocked his vision.

"It's Soobin!" Soobin curled his fingers around the ones used to block the younger's gorgeous eyes and slowly pulled his hand down. He smiled when he saw those lids tightly shut. "You've bathed me before. This isn't new."

It wasn't new but Kai still thought it was impolite to look, especially in this new situation. His eyes opened but he looked away. "If, um, if you'll follow me to our lagoon."

Soobin thought the way Kai ran off was adorable. The mage didn't run so much as he quickly waddled. When he was too far away, he started to run after him. "Kai! Wait!" The wind smacked him in the face like a brick. Being naked wasn't the right choice. The boxers would've done little but something was better than nothing. Each step in the snow felt painful on his soles. "K-KAI! SERIOUSLY! W-WAIT!"

Kai stopped just at the edge of his barrier that protected them. Carefully, he knelt to the ground and concentrated. His fingertip began to glow a burning yellow. With it, he drew a large circle in the ice around him. The pure heat cut through it like butter. Once the circle was complete, he stepped out of it and whispered a spell. That circle cap sunk to the bottom as it transformed into lava rock. The rock then started to boil the water within the cutout. With the touch of his elbow, Kai was satisfied with the temperature of the hot spring he created.

No matter how many times he witnessed magic, Soobin never ceased to be amazed by it. Normally, he waited for permission to proceed after a spell was cast but he was far too cold to wait. He took a few steps backwards then yelled "CANNONBALL!" while jumping in.

"SOOBIN!" Kai did not appreciate the wave of water that splashed over him.

"Hey! You called me Soobin!"

"Yes sir. I did!" Kai's excitement was short lived when he saw the Prince struggling to tread water. With the snap of his fingers, he created a seat for them to sit on.

Soobin was relieved to feel a solid surface beneath his feet. "Thanks." When they sat down, he noticed Kai still refusing to look at him. "Hey. I can go change if this really makes you that uncomfortable."

"It's not that..."

"Then what is it?" Soobin scooted closer until their shoulders were touching. He then gently used two fingers to turn Kai's cheek towards him. It felt enticingly soft in his hand. "What's wrong?"

"Prince Beomgyu offered me something. A deal of sorts."

"Oh..." The Prince's hand dropped to his lap. "What did he offer?"

"Your freedom if I take my place at his side. The southern kingdom would still be yours under Prince Beomgyu's rule. You wouldn't have to hide anymore."

"But I'd be without you?" Kai looked down towards the water. Soobin wasn't okay with that. He didn't know what "by his side" meant but it couldn't be anything good. He gently tried to cup that rosey cheek again but the mage pulled away. Still not discouraged, he tried one more time. This time, Kai looked at him. Soobin briefly looked at his lips then met his eyes. "You'd give up your freedom for mine? Why?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Tell me."

"I signed my life away to protect-"

"Stop!" Soobin took a deep breath before he did something he would regret. "You no longer serve me! Why can't you get past that?! Why can't you see me as your friend?! Your equal?!" Kai mumbled something he couldn't quite hear. That annoyed him further. It broke his heart to see the sadness wash over the mage yet his anger continued to rise. "We've been living together for months now Kai! Please! Here I am, literally naked in front of you and yet you still treat me this way! Tell me what I did to deserve your coldness!"

"Your father killed my mom didn't he?"


"Don't even try to explain that. I know you're not your father but I also know that you knew. It was her life or mine wasn't it? Beomgyu told me that you chose me. You saved my life but you also killed it the day she died. You should've chosen her instead."

Kai started to get up but Soobin tightly grabbed his wrist. The Prince was going to figure out how the hell Beomgyu knew later but right now, he just wanted his crush to stay. "I was only 17. My father told me she stole from the palace and that her punishment was just. I couldn't let you die for something I thought she had done."


"MY FAMILY IS GONE! WE BOTH HAVE LOST EVERYTHING!" Soobin sighed as he relaxed the grip on Kai's wrist. "If you hate me then why spare my life? You've already saved it. We're even."

"Because..." Kai didn't care enough to finish that sentence. He stood up in the water, only to find his wrist being pulled back down. When his butt hit the seat, his eyes popped open from the Prince kissing him. They remained wide open as the Prince pulled away.

Soobin weakly whispered "Kai?" The mage's eyes dropped to his lap. "What's wrong? I'm sorry... I thought you felt the same way."

"I do..."

"Then why are you so upset?"

"I already said yes..."

"To what?"

"To Prince Beomgyu. I already said yes to the deal. You're free now Soobin. He'll be in the woods at first light with the contract."

"My freedom for you?"

"Yes. Sign it and you're free."

Dread filled every pore of the Prince's body. He was tired of hiding but this was worse. Kai was the last person on earth that he cared about. He refused to lose him. One way or another, he was getting him back. Tomorrow morning, Soobin knew what he was going to do.

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