Yeonkai- Parasite

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The sun started to rise over the desert horizon. The air felt cool now but it certainly wouldn't remain that way in the coming hours. Kai was parched as he drank from his bottle. Waiting for Yeonjun Choi, the God himself, to wake up was... boring. The blonde decided to watch the sky as he waited. Desert sunrises were truly among the most beautiful things in the world. He never had time to appreciate them. That is, until now.

Stars faded with the rising light. Rays appeared to turn his blonde hair to bleach white. Yeonjun's hair somehow looked darker amidst the shine. The blood on his hairline was dry now. Kai sipped his bottle again. He stopped when his captive groaned. "Finally awake?"

"Ugh... why are you doing this?"

Kai twirled his dagger in his hand. "I could tell you my sob story but you don't really care."

Yeonjun tried to wriggle out of his restraints. He shouted "WHAT DID YOU BIND ME WITH? THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!"

Kai rolled his eyes as he stood up. He walked towards his victim then pressed his boot into his ribs. "You're not the only god around here anymore."

"That's not possible either..." To Yeonjun's horror, black spikes jutted through the sand, into his limbs. He screamed in agony as the blonde walked back to his chair. His torso and his internal organs were missed on purpose. Yeonjun was now floating in a puddle of his own blood.

"Fine. I give in. I'll tell you what happened." Kai sat down then took another sip of water. "10 years ago, I was sacrificed to you. I was only 10 years old. My mother screamed as my throat was slit. The country was cheering for my death. Can you believe that? They were celebrating the death of a child just to worship you!"

"I-" Yeonjun coughed up some of the black substance from the spikes. It started to burn the back of his throat. He spit out as much as he could into the sand. For the first time ever, in his 2,000 years of life, he started to cry. "-I'm sorry."

"Sorry... that's a good one." Kai shifted in his seat. His neck cracked twice as a way to expel some built up anger. He took another sip of water then continued his story. "A man I didn't know came up to me as I laid bleeding out, right in this very spot. He gave me this knife."

Yeonjun turned to see the six inch blade in his hand. It looked like the same substance as the spikes piercing his body. There was a demonic energy coming through it. He stared hard into his captor's eyes to see a glimmer of posession. The question now became, how much control did the blonde have of his own mind?

Kai laid the blade down onto his lap. "The blade was run over my throat, exactly where the priest sliced it open. Only the blade healed me. Don't get me wrong, it hurt. I could feel my blood turning black. I could feel my organs transforming to suit my new body. My skin became stronger. My mind became sharper. It was amazing!"

Yeonjun started to twitch. Whatever entered his system was now starting to affect his mind. It was manageable at the moment. He knew he was losing it when his arm involuntarily reached for the blade. Kai wasn't in control of anything he was doing. He was sure of it now.

"The man told me his time was coming. He thought I'd be the perfect disciple. I trained for years until his death. Gods died at my hands. Presidents fell. Justice was being served to those who were left behind. All of this was just for you sweet Yeonjun Choi! The legend among legends! Eternal youth? Persuasion through mind infiltration? War hero? What a repertoire of powers!" Kai's voice dropped an entire octave. His eyes turned as black as the blade. "You'll be mine soon. Think of how powerful I'll be when I'm in control of THE God of all Gods!"

Yeonjun's arms reached for the blade. His skin began tearing though the spikes as his limbs fought to grab it. He screamed. His eyes kept changing from brown to black. He had to fight it. His brain was pounding against his skull. That puddle of blood was turning into a small lake. "KAI! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! YOU NEED TO HELP ME!"

The blonde stood up. His bottle fell over into the sand. "KAI IS GONE YEONJUN! THIS IS KAMAL NOW!"

"KAI! I DIDN'T ASK THEM TO SACRIFICE YOU! IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE YOU! KAI PLEASE!" More black liquid was puked to the side. Yeonjun was in agony trying to fight it. "Kai..." His eyes were on fire. He closed them for a moment of relief. When he opened them, he saw that blade pressed against his throat. Yeonjun screamed when his arm tore itself from the spike. His hand gripped onto the hand that held the knife. Tears washed away into the sand as he pleaded "Kai it wasn't supposed to be you. I told them it was for nothing. The man in power insisted because you were his son. He didn't want anyone to know he cheated on his wife."

Those black eyes turned to amber. Kai took a step back. "... what?"

"The sacrifices were supposed to stop but your father wanted you gone. The man who gave you that-" Yeonjun weakly pointed to the blade in the blonde's hand. "-was my father. I was a mistake too. He wanted me dead but my mother was a goddess. She died saving my life. This isn't you Kai. I know. You're exactly like me. You, Kai Huening, are just a younger version of me. Don't let him win."

Kai's mind was tearing itself in half as he fought against it. The blade began to vibrate.

Yeonjun watched Kai stab himself in horror. "STOP HURTING HIM! PLEASE!" The spikes in his body began to sink into the sand. He was weak. His right arm was butterflied open while the rest of his limbs had long slits down the middle. He started to crawl through his blood towards the bottle.

Kai could only watch his body betray him. He couldn't stop stabbing himself. The blade made sure to miss vital organs so he could suffer for longer. He could hear it's thoughts. It told him he deserved this. That he should've died just like his son. Kai fell to his knees when the blade sliced his ankles.

Water. That's all Yeonjun needed as he kept crawling forward. The hot sand was grinding into his flesh. He shakily grabbed the bottle. Devestation was all he felt when he peaked inside. There was barely anything left.

The blade dragged across the blonde's throat. For the first time in 10 years, Kai was truly himself. The blade no longer controlled him. His vision was blurry as he stared at the sky. He felt lightheaded from extreme blood loss. That blazing sun seemed to welcome him into death.

Yeonjun stood up with the handle of the dagger in his hand. Shards of black metal laid at his feet. He was healthy again. The legendary God never lost. His satisfaction broke when he turned around to see the blonde laying in the sand. He was bleeding everywhere. Yeonjun rushed over to join his side. "You're not dying on me today!"

Those amber eyes popped open when Kai was pulled back into the real world. He felt a hand over his throat. His left hand was being held by Yeonjun over his heart. The god was whispering something in a language he didn't understand. Kai awkwardly laid there, wondering if interrupting him was a bad idea.

Yeonjun opened his eyes to see that it worked. "Kai!"

Kai gulped. He awkwardly said "hi..."

Yeonjun wrapped him in a tight hug. "You're still alive!"

"I'm alive..." That realization hit him when he admitted it out loud. He sunk into hug then started crying against Yeonjun's chest. "You healed me."


Kai pulled away then wiped his eyes. He stood up when the god did. "What am I supposed to do now? My mom is dead and I killed my father."

"You have two sisters. Your dad was a piece of shit."

"I have siblings?"

Yeonjun perked up when he saw a glimmer of hope in Kai's eyes. "Do you want to meet them? I can't exactly introduce you but I can bring you to them." They started to walk towards the city when the blonde agreed. Yeonjun explained that they all have different mothers. They also know that Kai exists but have failed to find him. It was obvious why. He also said they looked and acted exactly like him. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that they would be a great family.

Kai blinked. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of a dark blue door. He looked around for the god but he was gone.

Yeonjun watched from a distance. The sisters recognized the blonde immediately. He was embraced exactly like he promised. It was all bittersweet to the god. One the one hand, he was genuinely happy for Kai. On the other hand, he had two brothers who he had never been able to find. He could've prevented what just happened had he not been looking for them. As he walked off into the distance, Yeonjun wondered if he ever would.

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