Sookai- The Afterlife

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Soobin Choi was dead. He woke up in a pitch black room. Nothing was around. He had no idea how long he had been there. He had no idea how he even got there. He couldn't even tell if he was standing or floating. There was just a whole lot of darkness. "Hello?! Is someone out there?!"

Nothing was heard. His voice didn't echo. It seemed to disappear really. He tried to walk forward but found himself not knowing which direction "forward" was. As a test, he walked upwards. He could do that. It seemed he could go in any direction he wanted to so he started to run.

No matter how far he ran or where he ran to, the environment never changed. Pitch blackness was all there was. Soobin stopped when he was out of breath. He sat down on something yet also nothing, then yelled "HELLO?!" No response was given. He started to beg. "JUST TELL ME WHERE I AM! TELL ME WHAT I'M IN FOR! AM I HERE FOREVER?!"

Silence. Soobin started to run again. He began to cry with each step. The tears fell out of existence. All he wanted was literally anything to identify his surroundings. A sound. A light. Something hard to run on but nothing came.

He stopped again and checked his senses. His sight was fine. He could see his body but he didn't understand how if there wasn't any light. His smell was fine. He could smell the detergent in his clothes. He had no problem hearing his own voice.

Taste was the last thing to check. He licked his wrist and tasted blood. That brought him back to how he died. He was in the car, singing with his friends, when it skidded on black ice. The vehicle spun out of control. It crashed straight into the median on the freeway. He and one other person died on impact. The other two were paralyzed in the hospital.

Soobin knew he was dead. The car hitting the median was his last living memory. He wondered if this was what being dead was like. Eternal darkness. Heaven and hell were just concepts. A concept he would prefer to be in right now because even in hell, he would have an identifiable surrounding. Or maybe this was hell. That's what Soobin began to think. It wasn't getting physically tortured for the rest of eternity. It was this. Losing your mind over uncertainty of anything.

If he was going to spend eternity in darkness then he at least wished he had someone with him. He screamed out "IS ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE?!"

A voice complained "damn it! You sent the wrong one to limbo! It was supposed to be SIMON Choi not SOOBIN Choi!"

Soobin tried to identify where the voice came from but he couldn't. All he knew was it was definitely a male voice.

A girl spoke next. "I'm sorry! How do I fix it?!"

The male voice became soft. "It's okay. Just press here and then here."

Soobin was no longer in darkness. He found himself in front of two angels in a white room. There was a lot of angels floating around him. He looked down to realize he was, in fact, floating.

The male angel dismissed the girl. He then floated over towards the newest person on his assignment list. "Hi! Sorry about that. Had a new trainee. Kept the wrong person waiting. It happens."

"IT HAPPENS?! THAT WAS AWFUL!" The angel touched his cheek. Soobin felt instantly at peace. He snapped out of it then tilted his head. "How did you do that?"

"It's a gift. I'm Kai by the way. I'm sure you have a lot of questions so let's go somewhere private so I can answer them." Kai snapped his fingers.

Soobin was instantly sitting down at a table with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. He looked around. They were in a tiny cabin. A fire crackled away in the stone fireplace. It made the whole place really warm.

Kai was sitting across from him in the exact same outfit. He stated "I can change the environment if you don't like this."

"NO! NO! NO!" Soobin was done with surprises. "This is okay!"

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