🍉Yeonkai- Desperate Reality

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Yeonjun's eyes were bloodshot from another failed night of finding Kai. His jacket was sloppily tossed onto a coat rack. When it fell down, he was too tired to care. Each step upstairs felt like agonizing hell.

Because he was so tired, he didn't pay attention to where he was walking and tripped over the top step. "Ugh... fuck..." Yeonjun took his time getting up. He was more concerned about waking his parents than the bruise on his forehead. Much to his dismay, he saw the hall light click on. The footsteps were his father's. Yeonjun begged "dad, please go back to bed. I'm sorry for waking you."

"Son it's-" Mr. Choi looked at the clock on the wall. "It's 3 in the morning! What are you doing coming home at this time?!"

Yeonjun was too broken to hide his pain. He had spent 4 hours every night after close, trying to find his ex. He failed each time and it began to break him. If Kai was supposed to come back then why hadn't he? His eyes started to water and his voice became weak. "He's supposed to come back dad... that's how every other reality goes. He-he's supposed to come back and we're supposed to be together." Months of repressed tears were poured out onto his father's shoulder as he was pulled into a hug. Yeonjun shakily whispered "I really messed up dad. I can't even tell him I'm sorry. I love him. Why doesn't he love me back?"

"Shh..." Mr. Choi pulled away to hold his son's cheeks. "You need sleep son. Don't lie to me. How much have you slept each night since he left?"

"Four hours..."

"Go to bed. We can talk about this in the morning."



Yeonjun swallowed a lump in his throat. "Do you think he'll ever come back?"


"-Dad. Honest opinion."

Mr. Choi took a second to think about his answer. He could lie to his son but he was a terrible liar. Yeonjun would've seen right through it. His heart broke for his only child when he knew his answer. "If your mother did that to me..."

Yeonjun didn't need to hear the rest of the answer. He solemnly nodded then slumped to bed. If the roles were reversed, if Kai cheated on him, he would like to think he would take the blonde back. He would like to believe that Kai would never do it again and would spend an entire lifetime making it up to him. That their lives would eventually move forward as if nothing happened. As if they were always the perfect couple that they were before he got that stupid idea.

"Love is blind" isn't just a quote for ignoring red flags. It makes you blind to logical decisions. Yeonjun wondered if he even needed to cheat for them to get married like in other realities. Would Kai have left for a different reason? He didn't know.

"I cheated because I love you so much that I wanted us to get married sooner" sounded like a lie. One that even he wouldn't believe if he was told it. The nail in the coffin was remembering what Kai said on sunny afternoon.

They were lying in Yeonjun's bed after having an incredible round of morning sex. What came after made the redhead want to sob into his pillow. Kai told him he loved him but more specifically, why he loved him. The blonde rolled to his side with a smile that held the world. He grabbed Yeonjun's hand and held it over his heart. Then he squeezed tightly and confessed "you were right. We were meant to be together. You've made me believe in love again. You've changed my life for the better. I admire you so much baby. Yeonjun Choi. I trust you with my life. My heart is yours. I love you."

Those heart wrenching memories was all he had left of his ex. As painful as they were, he would rather love and lost than not love at all.

When Yeonjun's head hit the pillow, just like every night, he wished his ex was next to him. His cheap 20 year old, hand me down, pillow was awful compared to the blonde's chest. That lumpy mattress was bearable when Kai was on it. His ex just made everything better. "You're an idiot Yeonjun. You should've known you guys wouldn't get married sooner because you cheated. He just left sooner. You- you could've had more time with him. He wasn't supposed to be gone for this long... God, Kai I miss you so much." Yeonjun cried himself to sleep. For the first time in months, he rested for a full 8 hours.

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