🍉Yeonkai- Solemn Reality

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Kai was extremely bored at work. His presentation went so successfully, they ended up finishing an hour early. He walked over to Beomgyu's office because he was good company. The older was on his desktop, watching a clip of him in another reality. He silently watched with him.

In the clip, Beomgyu was having a drink with Yeonjun in an old speakeasy. They were laughing together. Kai couldn't quite make out what they were saying but they were both clearly very drunk. Some of Yeonjun's beer spilled onto Beomgyu's lap. He placed his hand on his thigh to clean it off. Next thing Kai knew, they were kissing. It was weird to see but that wasn't his Yeonjun. The redhead would never cheat on him.

That's what he firmly believed until Beomgyu's phone lit up. The text message stopped the video on the monitor and displayed on the screen. It read "I told Kai I'm closing late tonight. We need to talk. I can't do this anymore."

Beomgyu swiped the message away. He found another clip in the same reality and played that instead. Now, he was getting married to someone Kai had never seen before. They looked really happy together. The cameras briefly panned to the audience. He saw himself sitting with Yeonjun. They both were clapping and cheering for the new couple. Kai wondered if that version of him knew Yeonjun cheated.

He walked away, still refusing to believe HIS Yeonjun was cheating. Kai never cared for other realities before but he had to know if that was a one time thing or history repeating itself. Based on that message, it seemed to be the latter.

Hours of feed flooded his vision. Kai was watching Yeonjun cheat again, with another person, when Beomgyu knocked on his office door. He didn't bother to look in his direction. "Leave."

"It's not what you think."

"How many times?" Kai stared him down. Beomgyu's face said everything. This is exactly why he didn't date. Those other versions of him were fucking idiots for taking Yeonjun back. That was a mistake he wasn't going to make. The worst part was Yeonjun knowing his ex cheated on him, how much it hurt him, and still doing the same thing. "How many Beomgyu? We've only been dating for three months!"


Kai grabbed his suit jacket then slung it over his shoulders. He walked into his boss's office and quit on the spot. Beomgyu tried to stop him but the blonde just shoved him out of the way.

Yeonjun was running around from table to table, cleaning up after customers. The lunch rush was over but dinner was about to start. A thick layer of sweat was wiped off of his forehead with a towel. The bell above the door rung. "I'll be right with you!" He rushed to toss the dishes into the sink then rushed back out. "Kai!" He was so excited to see his boyfriend that he ran up to him. When he went in for a hug, the blonde didn't hug him back. "Is everything okay?"

"We're done." Kai left without another word. He never wanted to see him again. "Destiny" was absolute bullshit. He was destined to be cheated on by every person he had fallen in love with. Yeonjun was the last straw. He was done with relationships. All it brought was lies and heartache.

Yeonjun started sobbing in the doorway. He saw Beomgyu run after the blonde and realized what happened. He dropped to his knees. His parents came from the back to console him. His mother held him in her arms while his father told everyone to leave. The restaurant closed shortly after.

Beomgyu caught up to him. He grabbed his arm hard so Kai would have to listen to him. "Please let me explain!"

"You fucked my boyfriend seven times. You were my best friend. EXPLAIN THAT!"

"It was inevitable! I don't find my soulmate until after I ruin your relationship! I'm sorry!"

"I would NEVER do that to you!"

Kai snatched his arm away. Beomgyu watched him leave. He knew that was true. He was so desperate to find his forever that he sacrificed a friendship for it. He didn't even care about Yeonjun. They only cheated because they knew how it ended. That was the justification for it anyways. As Beomgyu walked back towards his car, he had a feeling this reality wouldn't end like the others. He lost Kai for nothing.

Yeonjun wiped his eyes then looked around at how messy the restaurant was. "I'm sorry mom. I'll start cleaning right away so we can open."

"Go rest. We can talk about what happened later."

"But mom-"

"Your father and I got this. Please go rest."

Yeonjun nodded. He slumped upstairs then threw his body onto his shitty mattress. Instead of sleeping, he started to watch videos of his favorite reality. He scrolled to the part after that Kai caught Yeonjun cheating.

On his phone screen, he saw himself contemplating taking drugs again. A needle was shakily held against his vein. He ended up tossing it against a wall while screaming for Kai to come back. That's exactly how he felt right now. Yeonjun wanted him back. Every reality showed that Kai did eventually come back but would he this time? His greatest fear was this timeline would be an exception to the rest.

Yeonjun tried to call him. He had no idea what he was going to say. All of his justifications sounded horrible. There wasn't any moral reason to cheat. Especially not to someone who lived and died by his morals.

His number was blocked. The service provider's robotic voice told him that he didn't have access to that number. It hung up shortly after. He called Beomgyu next. "Where is he?"

"I don't know. He quit his job. Wait."

Yeonjun could hear him racing through the floating streets.

"I see his lights are on. Oh my god..."



Yeonjun faintly heard the blonde tell him to leave him alone. He begged "let me talk to him! Please!"

Beomgyu ignored Yeonjun. "You gave up your job and now you're moving?! Just because of a relationship?!"

"No." Kai slammed his box down onto the couch. "I'm moving because you two fucking used me." His voice started to break. "The two people that I trusted most in the world, just saw me as a means to get something for themselves. Neither of you really cared about me. You played with my life!"

"Be mad at me. Fine. But what about Yeonjun?! He wasn't using you! He used ME because he loves YOU!"

That's exactly what Kai's ex said. That the only reason he cheated was because he loved him so much. He decided to tell Beomgyu the same thing he told him. "I never want to see you again."

"FINE!" Beomgyu fought back tears through his anger. "MY ENDING IS FINDING MY SOULMATE! YOU'RE GIVING UP ON YOURS!"

"I'd rather die than end up with him."

Yeonjun hung up. He couldn't bare to hear any more.

Beomgyu persisted despite not being aware the redhead hung up. "You know he dies without you right?"

"We all die."


"He clearly doesn't love me."

"He thought-"

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT HE THOUGHT!" Kai loaded the last box into the moving truck. He paid the driver a hundred dollars to leave now. "Those other realities aren't this one. I'm done with Yeonjun and I'm done with you. I have no doubt you'll find your soulmate but I sure as hell won't be at your wedding! So stop. Stop trying to make this reality something it isn't. You're just going to fuck up more lives than you already have." Kai got into his car and drove off.

Yeonjun was about to fall asleep. His phone went off from a notification of a timeline he followed. Yeonjun stared at it. He decided to delete every streaming app that he had. He was done living through other realities.

Kai was gone. Yeonjun wasn't going to wait around until he came back. The blonde, the love of his life, was his destiny. Now was the time to go after it.

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