Yeonkai- Breaking Kai

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"What's inside of you beautiful?"

Kai was sweating his ass off while being strapped to a long metal table. Tears slipped off from his cheeks, into his ears. "I don't know what you want from me!" He whimpered "just stop! Please!"

Yeonjun upped the dosage of the poison. More green liquid flowed down the tubes. He did nothing as Kai violently shook in his restraints.


"To break you." All the younger had to do was submit. Submit and every torture would be over. They killed his family. That didn't break him. They killed the person he loved. That didn't break him either. The last thing they could think of was breaking his mind. They needed him alive to use as their weapon.

Sweat broke out from his entire body. Kai was burning up as the poison continued to flow into his bloodstream. "LET ME GO!" His head was pounding. He could hear his heartbeat and the blood flowing in his veins. "MAKE IT STOP! GOD, PLEASE, MAKE IT STOP!"

"Almost. You're doing great." Yeonjun looked at the monitor to see his vitals spiking. If this didn't work, he would have to think of something else that would push the boundary between killing him and keeping him alive. "What makes you tick? I mean, you've lost everything and you're still holding on. Why?"

Kai could feel his nails growing. He felt all of his lashes crunching when he blinked. His vision magnified to the point where he could see the individual threads of copper wires in the florescent lights. He looked into Yeonjun's eyes next. Golden brown and chocolate mixed together around his iris. Too bad only evil was behind it. His fever drew to a deadly level once all of the poison was in his body. "I'm all I have..." He started to cry as he whispered it again. "I'm all I've ever had..." If he became what they wanted then he would be exactly like them. He would rather die.

Yeonjun broke his clipboard in half when Kai passed out. That wasn't supposed to happen but it happened every single time. The younger's body was a complete mystery. It absorbed toxins like a sponge. Enhancement drugs weren't temporary. They seemed to be permanent. He could use adrenaline at will. His vision rivaled cameras. He was the perfect soldier who just wouldn't fucking submit.

When they tested the younger in a trial, he had perfect aim on the paper targets. He refused to shoot anyone in the field. It didn't matter what anyone said. He couldn't kill. His fighting skills were next to none. His reflexes were that of a God. Yeonjun had to break him. It was his job as the lead scientist on the project. This was his last shot after a string of expensive failures. He wouldn't have a career if this failed because who would want to hire a scientist who had a history of wasting money with no promising results? He had to break him.

Kai dreamt of a time he had a family. A time before they were tortured in front of his eyes. He was 10 years old eating ice cream with his dad. They were waiting for his mom and sisters to be done Christmas shopping for them. He remembered thinking his dad was coolest in the world for being able to fit an entire scoop into his mouth. When Kai tried, he only managed a half a scoop. He remembered all of the chocolate that dripped onto his t-shirt. His dad said his mom was going to be upset. She was. His sisters told him to be more careful as they loaded the presents into the back of a truck. They sang carols on the way home.

Yeonjun looked over to see Kai smiling in his sleep. "What are you thinking about beautiful?"

The next dream was with his boyfriend. Kai was locked in a cell across from him. A soldier dumped water over his boyfriend's head. He was told to submit a million times but his boyfriend pleaded for him to never give in. His boyfriend was tased. He could still hear the sizzle of his blistered skin. The crackle haunted his nightmares. Just like his family, his boyfriend told him he loved him before he died. Kai vowed to never become those monsters that day.

Yeonjun saw that smile turn into anger. His eyebrows were furrowed. His fists were balled. "Something has to make you break." He grabbed his file on the younger then pulled up a chair next to his bedside. "Who are we missing? We got your family. We got your boyfriend. You two didn't date for very long did you? Who is your ex?" Yeonjun made a call to search all previous dating history. Through deleted social media posts, they were able to find one ex. The posts went on for three years, ending six months ago. "Long time together. Not that long apart. Maybe he will break you."

Kai woke up back in his special cell. On his blanket was a note. It read "brought you a gift. Look up. -Y.C" Kai looked up. The note dropped to the floor. "TAEHYUN?!"

Taehyun was passed out on the ground.

Kai looked at the security camera. "YOU'RE SICK! HE'S INNOCENT! DON'T HURT HIM!" His fists met the glass. He kept punching it until he bled. "I'LL NEVER BE YOU GUYS! WHAT DON'T YOU GET?! I'LL NEVER JOIN YOU! STOP HURTING INNOCENT PEOPLE!"

Taehyun hazily woke up from the drugs he was given. He looked around and had no idea where he was. A pounding sound drew his attention to his ex. "KAI?! KAI!" He ran towards the glass. "KAI!"

"I'M SORRY!" Kai sunk to his knees. He started to cry again. His eyes looked back at the video camera. "You were going to kill him anyways... that's why I've never submitted... I knew they were dead the moment I saw them in there..." He looked back at his ex. "I love you..."

Taehyun wiped his eyes. "I love you too... I'm going to die aren't I?"

Kai nodded against the glass. When he looked up, he saw a soldier walk into Taehyun's cell with a hammer in his hand. "DON'T FIGHT BACK! IT'LL MAKE IT WORSE!" His eyes sealed shut when his ex's screams filled the hall. He winced when he heard it again.

Yeonjun's voice came on the intercom. "That was just two fingers. We can keep this going forever. Can you?"

Taehyun cried for help as his third finger was smashed. "KAI! HELP ME!"

The door to Kai's cell opened. Yeonjun's voice came back online. "Go tell him yourself that you refuse to help. You could end this but you don't."

Kai shook with every step forward. He didn't wish this on anyone. Especially not Taehyun. He knelt outside of the glass and saw all of the blood on the floor. His hand pressed against the pane. "Taehyun?"

Taehyun sat up. His good hand pressed where Kai's was. He wished he could hold it. "Why are they doing this?"

"They want me to become them. Kill and torture people."

"That isn't you!"

"I know..."

"I'm going to die right? You-you said I was going to die?"

Kai's hand fell. His heart shattered into a million pieces. "I love you."

"I love you too. Don't ever change okay? They CANNOT break you!"

Kai watched him stand up. "Taehyun? TAE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" His ex started to fight the soldier. "TAE STOP! BABY STOP!" The soldier stabbed his shoulder. Taehyun ripped the knife out as Kai screamed against the glass. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! TAEHYUN!" The soldier pushed his ex to the ground. Taehyun stabbed his leg. Kai punched the glass when he saw a gun come out. "BABY STOP! PLEASE!" The glass cracked. Shards sliced through his fist as he punched away layer by layer. "TAEHYUN!"

Blood spattered his face through the gap in the glass. He was 30 seconds too late. His gaze locked onto the bullet hole into Taehyun's head. His tone went cold. "You killed him." His ex's eyes stared at the ceiling as blood continued to drip from his head. Kai slowly stood up with the knife in his hand. "I know you can't hurt me. I won't kill you. But watch me do something much worse."

Yeonjun excitedly grabbed his pen and paper. It worked. He wasn't a failure like the science community whispered about. His focus was glued to the security camera. He couldn't wait to see what Kai Kamal Huening would do next.

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