TXT- In Your Dreams- Part One

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Hyuka was at a slumber party with his four best friends. They're named Soobin, Taehyun, Beomgyu and Yeonjun. He's known them since he was 13. They hung out practically every single day for the past four years.

None of them knew his secret. If he was going to tell anyone, it would be Taehyun. His best friend, his rock, the person he felt the most comfortable with. Perhaps one day he would but not today! Secrets aren't as fun when you tell people anyways.

Hyuka had been a oneironautic since he hit puberty. He could not only control his own dreams but also infiltrate others. The down side was he had to be close to those he wanted to dream visit. That's why he was so excited for this slumber party. It was the first time in years where he could visit all four of his friends in one night.

Like all sleepovers, no one wanted to be the first to fall asleep. That was especially true for Hyuka. If everyone pulled an all nighter, his plan to get inside their heads would fail.

10pm. Everyone was still gaming. Beomgyu's energy was exceptionally high after chugging a bottle of sprite. His elevated energy was infectious. Exactly what Hyuka didn't want.

To get everyone into a "bed time" mindset, Hyuka first turned off all of the lights. When asked why, he just insisted the screen looked better that way.

11pm. Yeonjun was starting to doze off. Hyuka assumed it was because of his "old age". He then had to leave the room to keep from laughing at his own thoughts. "Grandma Yeonjun" was so funny to him. The pink hair and the glasses just added onto the whole elderly aesthetic.

Soobin heard him laughing in the hall. He yelled "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!"

"NOTHING!" Hyuka walked back in. His laughter started up again when Yeonjun looked at him.

Yeonjun complained "what?! What's so funny?!"

Hyuka whispered it to Beomgyu. They both giggled with each other. The older then turned around to call Yeonjun "grandma" to his face.

"Grandma" began chasing them around the house.

After being smacked by the oldest, the trio came back to see Taehyun half asleep on the couch. Soobin was trying to show him something on his phone. The blonde yawned widely then mumbled "uh huh..."

Beomgyu plopped onto his air mattress then started to fall asleep himself.

Once Soobin thought he was asleep, he started to take a bunch of pictures of him in unflattering angles.

Yeonjun grabbed a bowl of hot water then dipped Taehyun's hand in it.

Hyuka whispered "you're gonna regret that!"

"Shh!" Yeonjun did regret it. Taehyun almost expected it. When his hand hit the water, he flipped the bowl upwards. All of the water spilled onto Yeonjun's pajamas. His eyes remained closed while his face adorned a satisfied smile. Yeonjun then proceeded to air choke him.

Taehyun didn't have to open his eyes to know what was happening. He threatened "I dare you to actually try and choke me."

Yeonjun tried. The two ended up wrestling on the floor.

Beomgyu whined for them to go somewhere else. He was genuinely trying to sleep.

Soobin decided to sleep next to him.

Hyuka was delighted. Two down, two to go.

12am. The other two still seemed to have an endless amount of energy while Soobin and Beomgyu were fast asleep. Hyuka was getting sleepy himself. He figured by the time he was done exploring Soobin and Beomgyu's subconscious, Yeonjun and Taehyun would finally join them.

Soobin's head was first. Hyuka found his dreams either the most boring or the most interesting of the group.

Once he himself was asleep, he was transported to what he called "the theater". Hyuka always started in the middle of a black room. If he was alone, he could manipulate the dream to whatever he wanted. If someone else was around, one of the walls would display what's happening inside of their dreams. There was always one black space incase he didn't want to visit any other dreams. All Hyuka had to do was step into the door.

Right now, he saw two walls for the two people sleeping. Soobin's wall was displaying himself at school. He was wearing his school uniform and sitting at his desk.

Hyuka turned around to see Beomgyu's wall. He was listening to music under a cherry blossom tree. If Hyuka recognized the song correctly, it was "congratulations" by Post Malone.

Nothing too interesting seemed to be happening in either. He could fix that.

Hyuka stepped into Soobin's dream. He found himself sitting at a desk in their school uniform. His desk was in the back. Soobin's was in the front so he didn't seem to notice him yet. Hyuka looked towards the classroom door. His jaw dropped. He saw his 13 year old self walk through.

Soobin was dreaming of the day they met. He wasn't 13 in his dream. He was 17 like his current self but his actions remained the same. He ran up to Hyuka and pulled him into a big hug before the poor kid even said "hello". That 13 year old kid suddenly grew in his arms.

Hyuka watched himself go from chest height to almost as tall as Soobin in the span of a second. It was so weird. He whispered "did I really grow that much in four years?" What was weirder to him was what came next. The students and the teacher vanished as the two begun to make out. That was absolutely not how his first day went. "What. The. Fuck?"

Soobin's eyes popped open. His dream Hyuka disappeared from his arms. He started to walk over to the other one, unsure if this was still a fantasy or not. "Baby?"

"Baby?" Hyuka was so lost. Did Soobin see them as dating in his head?

"How did you get from there to there so quickly?"

"I've been here the whole time..."

"Why did you stop kissing me?"

"I uh... that wasn't me."

Soobin decided to ignore logic and fall back into the fantasy. He took Hyuka's hands then placed his lips on his. Despite the younger not kissing him back, he still enjoyed it. "You taste especially sweet today."

Hyuka just stood there frozen. He let himself be kissed because he couldn't think of what else to do. He had never looked at Soobin that way before. Apparently, if the dream reflected his real emotions, the blue hair had always felt this way about him. It was going to be a little awkward when they woke up.

Soobin finally noticed the lack of participation from the other. "What's wrong baby?"

"Do you uh, do you always dream this?"

"Of course. I love you!"

"I love you too?" Hyuka more meant it as a friend. He was about to correct himself but he was pulled into another kiss.

The setting changed from a classroom to Soobin's bedroom. Hyuka opened his eyes to see Soobin and his dream self cuddling on the bed. Something they did often but he never thought it was romantic. He then watched the two laugh at tik tok videos together. While his dream self was scrolling through his phone, Hyuka observed the way the older was looking at him. The expression was very loving. It quickly changed to friendly when dream Hyuka turned to show him the next video. He wondered if he was always looked that way when he wasn't watching.

Soobin kissed his temple then asked "will you ever love me back?"

"I already do silly!"

The two started kissing again. Clothes started to slip off.

Hyuka left. He definitely didn't want to see the rest of that. That was enough weirdness. When he was back in the room, he noticed a third wall added. Yeonjun was dreaming now. The pink hair was partying at a club.

Wanting to go in order, he looked towards the second person who fell asleep. Beomgyu's setting changed to racing on a track. Hyuka snapped his fingers and changed his outfit to a racing suit. His hand rested on the door. After the weirdness of the last dream, he was ready for the thrill of a new one.

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