TXT- In Your Dreams- Part Three

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An hour passed and Hyuka was still knocked out.

All of the parents, except the Huenings, were sitting with their kids around his body. Soobin was the most visibly upset. He still held Hyuka close to him. His protective nature became stronger every time someone else tried to touch him. Those original injuries were no longer bleeding. He wasn't about to have anyone else add more.

The Kangs wanted to take him to a hospital. Beomgyu reminded them that the Huenings didn't have a lot of money. He felt bad enough to make them come back from their dream vacation an entire week early. Hyuka told him it was the honeymoon his parents never had twenty years ago. It took them five years to save up for it. A large hospital bill would financially ruin them. Everyone eventually agreed that he would go if his health got worse. That seemed to be fair.

After 2am, the parents chose different rooms to sleep in. They all had work in the morning. The boys refused to leave the living room. Soobin laid down right next to Hyuka with Taehyun on the other side. Yeonjun didn't show it but he was equally as scared. Hyuka was the little brother he's always wanted but never had. He felt helpless.

At 3am, everyone was asleep.

Hyuka had been living in his dream for the past few hours. He had no idea what was going on in the real world.

Around 1am, Hyuka no longer heard voices. He kept staring at the walls to see if anyone else was going to fall asleep. His black environment never changed.

Figuring he had to wake up eventually, he decided to have a little fun. Through his will, his environment changed to a concert. Hyuka had a microphone in his hands. Everyone was cheering loudly for him. He began to sing "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat. Why that song? He had no idea.

That's the same song Soobin was singing to him before the parents came into the house. He was unkowingly influencing his crush's dream.

Hyuka's next song was a bit more upbeat. Since he adored Bruno Mars, he decided to sing "That's What I Like" next. When the got to the second chorus, Bruno himself took the stage with him. They had their arms around each other. Hyuka had the dance from the music video memorized so he began to mimic the moves. The crowd loved it.

J-Hope took the stage with him next. They began rapping together. Everyone Hyuka admired as an artist, he did a performance with. It was truly one of the best dreams he's had in a while.

Once his concert was over, he went back into his theater. To his surprise, he saw four walls lit up. Beomgyu was dreaming about himself being a superhero. He was flying through the city, dodging various buildings.

Taehyun's dream was a bit sadder. He was attending a funeral. Hyuka looked closely at the name on the tombstone. The name was his own. He wondered why in the world Taehyun would dream about him being dead.

Yeonjun's wasn't as blatantly depressing but it still had sad undertones. He was living in a memory of him and Hyuka hanging out together at the waterpark. It was a very rare time when it was just the two of them.

Hyuka asked himself "why are they so upset?"

Soobin's wall was of him back in school. It was valentine's day. The first time he ever gave Hyuka a romantic gesture.

"OH!" Hyuka was blind to every single advance the older tried with him. He finally got it now. He didn't think that red teddy bear was supposed to be an indicator of a crush. He just thought it was a friendly gesture.

Since he hadn't been to Yeonjun's head yet, he decided to go there next. He figured he could turn his mood around.

Hyuka snapped his fingers. He was wearing the same bathing suit as the version of him in the dream. When he stepped through the door, he found himself immediately underwater.

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