🥝Beomkai- Distance and Decisions

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Tick. Tick. Tick.

That's all Beomgyu heard as he blankly stared at his computer. Kai should be landing from his Vegas business trip any second. Then, it was a 30 minute car ride from the airport. He hoped this time Yeonjun wouldn't be with him. The other Choi hasn't done anything wrong per say, he was actually a cool person, but he saw Kai more than he did and it made him extremely jealous.

Over the past couple of months, Beomgyu had genuinely tried to be okay with Kai's new promotion. He told himself that the distance would get easier over time but it didn't. If anything, the distance made him miss the blonde more.

To Kai's credit, he texted him quite a bit. What annoyed Beomgyu was how often Yeonjun came up in his stories and his photos. "I went to Shanghai with Yeonjun today! I bought you a souvenir!" Or, "Yeonjun spilled some ramen on the floor. It was so funny watching him trying to apologize in broken japanese. Wish you were here with me."

The first conversation of the day always seemed to start the same way. It was a text or photo about Yeonjun and then something sweet about him. Beomgyu hated Yeonjun for this reason. Kai wouldn't cheat on him but he would be lying if he said it never crossed his mind. It wasn't Kai he didn't trust. It was that stupidly charming Choi. The person who offered him the promotion in the first place.

The plane landed early. Kai grabbed a bouquet of roses at the airport as soon as he got off.

Yeonjun nudged him and asked "still with him huh? How's it going between you two?"

"It's been fine."

"How's it actually been?"

"You weren't kidding when you said we would be flying all the time. The distance is there. We both feel it."

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to miss an opportunity like this."

"I know." The two found the company driver waiting for them at baggage claim. Yeonjun got in first. Kai gladly sat down next to him with the roses carefully placed into his lap.

The redhead asked "are you miserable? I can get you your old job back if it's what you want. Just say the word."

"I'm not miserable at all! Sometimes it doesn't even feel like a job."

"Yeah, we're good together like that." Yeonjun glanced over to gage Kai's reaction but the blonde was too busy texting to notice what he was trying to say.

Kai sent Beomgyu a photo of the roses with the caption reading "landed early. Almost there baby."

Beomgyu practically jumped out of his seat when he saw the notification pop up on his phone. He ran out of the office towards the stairwell. The elevator would've just slowed him down. In the cafe on the bottom floor, he ordered Kai's favorite drink then waited at their table.

Once he got the drink, he turned to see his baby walk through with the roses. His excitement was short lived when he saw Yeonjun right behind him. The redhead awkwardly waved. Beomgyu ignored him. He set the drink down and then ran into Kai's arms yelling "you're back!"

"Hi baby!" Kai scooped him up then kissed his lips. When he set the shorter back down, he presented the flowers. "These are for you. Figured your other ones were dead by now."

"Thank you so much!" Beomgyu dramatically smelled them. He was slightly annoyed to see Yeonjun still behind his boyfriend. Since they made eye contact, he faked a smile and said "hey. Um. How was Vegas?"

"It was fun. Won a contract and a lot of money. We also went to a few clubs. The usual."

"The what?"

Kai cut into the conversation. "We just go to clubs to drink babe. Yeonjun always manages to score us free drinks because he flirts with the bartender."

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