🐮Tyunning- All of Me

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"KAI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Taehyun found himself slung over his boyfriend's shoulders. His arms drunkenly swayed back and forth as front half dangled over Kai's back. "Wee!" He felt like a ragdoll being taken along for a ride. "Hey!" His eyes locked onto the blonde's butt. "Big!" He smacked it hard then giggled.

"Ow! Quit it!"

"NO!" Taehyun hit it again. He loved that butt. Thanks to the excessive amount of alcohol in his system, he was actually confident enough to verbalize it. Alcohol, specifically two bourbon milkshakes, was key to speaking of everything he wanted to do with his favorite person. He dramatically grabbed the blonde's cheeks then gripped hard. His voice loudly proclaimed "I WANNA BURRY MY FACE IN THIS THEN DIE!"

"We're not dying today honey." Kai spanked him as he kept walking towards the car. The snow was rapidly falling down tonight. Luckily, it wasn't windy so he could actually see where he was going. His dragon leather boots were the only thing keeping his shins warm. Without them, they'd be as frozen as his thighs. He did his best to keep Taehyun as balanced on his shoulder as possible so he wouldn't touch the five inches of snow on the ground. If his weather app was right, it would reach 9 inches by nightfall. "Hold on, we're almost there. Hey! Quit it!"

Taehyun stuck his frozen hands down the back of Kai's pants. His excuse was that he needed to warm them up. "So squishy! This is MY butt!"

"So it's not my butt anymore?"

"NOPE! You're just borrowing it."

Kai just decided to humor him for the rest of the night. He had the same amount to drink but he could hold his alcohol much better than Taehyun. "I'd like to keep it if that's okay with you."

"Finders keepers. Losers weepers!"

"I found it first baby."

"Nu uh!"

"Yeah, next time you're only getting one milkshake." Kai patted his pockets with his free hand until he remembered Taehyun had the keys. "Baby? Where's the keys?"

"Up my ass!"


"They're in my pocket. Ya gotta put me down to get them!"

"If I put you down, you'll freeze in the snow."

"Awe! You are SO thoughtful! My sexy blonde. My sugar bear. My honey bunny. Right now, you're my warm and cuddly penguin with the cutest squishy butt!"

Kai smacked his palm to his forehead. "The butt needs to sit down to drive us home."

"Ugh. Fine." Taehyun reluctantly removed his hands from his boyfriend's pants. He then began to fumble around in his pockets to grab the keys. Dramatically, he held them in the air. "I found them!"

"Thank you honey." Kai unlocked the car then gently set his baby into the passenger seat. He took a moment to stare at Taehyun. Usually, the silver hair was the more "serious" one in their relationship. Now, he looked incredibly adorable. The way his eyes lit up against the white glow of the blizzard was almost childish. It was endearing, loving, and innocently beautiful. Kai carefully closed the door then climbed into the drivers seat.

Taehyun fell asleep within two minutes into the drive up the mountain. He dreamt of nothing for the first time all week. It was the perfect power nap to reset his mind.

Thanks to his client's fascination with Kai, he started having more business than ever. The stress of it typically turned his dreams into nightmares. Kai was there for all of them. Every time he woke up in fear, he was instantly calmed when he found himself in his boyfriend's arms. The warmth that the blonde provided was the ultimate comfort. Currently, that was being mimicked when Kai turned the seat warmer on for him.

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